1 May 2015

All teams are doing fine

The radar team on the Renland ice cap is making good progress. Iben, Christian, Trevor and Sune are driving in two shifts to cover as much ice as possible in order to pinpoint the deep drilling site.

Everything in camp is operational, except the sat. internet connection.
Weather on the ice cap is beautiful, almost no wind and temperatures ranging from -31°C to -15°C. Temperature inside the main tent in the evening was -8°C.

Cargo is getting prepared and prioritized for next weeks Basler missions to the Renland ice cap.

Constable Point
Cargo containers have now been emptied and cargo is being prepared for next weeks Basler missions to the Renland ice cap.
Ice core boxes have been numbered (6201 to 6345) and generators and cooling units have been prepared for testing before shipment to Renland.

One 109th LC-130 mission to NEEM with 7 PAX (Dorthe, Anna, Nanna, Joel, Paul, Dean and Orlando) from Kangerlussuaq today. Back-up sat. internet comms. system was retroed from NEEM. Will be inspected and then flown to Constable Point and onwards to Renland next week.

Bo Vinther, FOM in Kangerlussuaq.

NEXT ENTRY will send you to dailies flown out the Renland camp on 6/5 and covering the period 27/4 - 6/5 2015

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