15 June 2015

Clear imprint of recent warming

This morning there was blue sky and NO wind.

This morning there was blue sky and NO wind.

The borehole was logged today at 5 m intervals in the upper 200 m and at 25 m intervals below. The temperature profile shows a clear imprint of recent warming (as compared to the logging of the 1988 borehole) and the basal temperature is found to be -11 deg C. Tomorrow an attempt of directional drilling is planned.

Yesterday an 11 m firn core (A09) was drilled within 20 m of the 1988 borehole site 1.9 km east of camp (waypoint X003). Today a similar core (A10) was drilled 700 m north of camp (waypoint W084). Both cores were taken at the bottom of 1.1 m deep pits that were sampled at 2.5 cm resolution in beakers. The ‘italian’ snow pit 100 m north of camp is now extended and sampled down to 6 m depth(!)

Weather: Sunny and calm weather. Temperatures -6°C to -9°C, wind 0-5 m/s from S(!).

Some serious cooking preparation took place in the kitchen this morning. Sarah and Niccolò.

Some serious cooking preparation took place in the kitchen this morning. Sarah and Niccolò.

Renland FL, Anders

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