The Ion and Charged Aerosol Growth Enhancement (ION-CAGE) code: A numerical model for the growth of charged and neutral aerosols

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The presence of small ions influences the growth dynamics of a size distribution of aerosols. Specifically the often neglected mass of small ions influences the aerosol growth rate, which may be important for terrestrial cloud formation. To this end, we develop a numerical model to calculate the growth of a species of aerosols in the presence of charge, which explicitly includes terms for ion-condensation. It is shown that a positive contribution to aerosol growth rate is obtained by increasing the ion-pair concentration through this effect, consistent with recent experimental findings. The ion-condensation effect is then compared to aerosol growth from charged aerosol coagulation, which is seen to be independent of ion-pair concentration. The model source code is made available through a public repository.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2020EA001142
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
Issue number9
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sep 2020

    Research areas

  •, 86-04, J.2.5


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ID: 229807998