Christine Hvidberg new Head of Studies
Christine Schøtt Hvidberg, associate professor in Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr Institute, has been appointed as the new head of studies for the physics programme. She replaces Lise Arleth, who has been the head of studies since 2012.

Christine Schøtt Hvidberg, associate professor of geophysics in Ice and Climate, has been appointed as the new head of studies.
The head of studies is responsible for ensuring the academic content of the programme in collaboration with the Board of Studies and the Institute and helps to develop the programme to fit the needs that are in demand in society, for example by focusing on innovation and new vocational areas like medical physics. In addition, they must approve all bachelor and master contracts and advise the faculty and Board of Studies.
Professional guarantor for the programme
“I am looking forward to my new tasks and to working with the teachers who put a huge effort into getting the instruction to work and with the students who are all very dedicated. I think it is really exciting with the many different contributions that help the physics programme at NBI maintain a very high level,” explains Christine Hvidberg with a very big smile that leaves no doubt that she is very passionate about the job.
Already in high school, she knew that she wanted to do something with mathematics and physics because, “I just had to know something about how the world was structured”. Christine Hvidberg became a physicist receiving a MSc in geophysics in 1990 and a PhD from the Niels Bohr Institute in 1993.
Christine Hvidberg’s research field is the flow and mass balance of ice sheets. She has developed ice flow models of the Greenland ice sheet and has helped shed light on how the Earth’s climate has changed in the past and has calculated changes in the future. But not only on Earth – also Mars, where she has worked to interpret the layers found at the poles on Mars.
She will still research and teach, but from now on she will also put in a lot of work as the head of studies for the physics programme. The appointment is for three years, but can be extended.