1 October 2024

Center of Gravity (CoG): a new DNRF Center of Excellence at NBI

New DNRF Center of Excellence

In 2025, NBI will host a new DNRF Center of Excellence called the Center of Gravity (CoG), to link theory and observations with the primary goal of uncovering the fundamental physics governing the nature of gravity at its extreme.

Center of Gravity (CoG): a new DNRF Center of Excellence at NBI

The Niels Bohr Institute will host a new DNRF Center of Excellence, the Center of Gravity (CoG). The CoG will bring together forefront research in observations of black holes and in the formal theory and quantum aspects of gravity, completing the visions of Bohr and Einstein for the gravitational interaction.

The research endeavor will span from data analysis to theoretical disciplines within astrophysics and high-energy physics, driving gravitational wave physics to an exciting future. The Center will capitalize on the remarkable talent at the Niels Bohr Institute, to promote synergies linking fundamental physics with observations.

“I am very proud and happy to be able to continue our research within gravitational physics with this DNRF grant. This would not have been possible without the work and dedication of my current team and co-PIs, and all of the science that was already done with our current funding. Honestly, I am delighted to drive Denmark’s efforts in strong gravity, a field with a tremendous discovery potential. These are exciting times indeed, and the center will be at the forefront of this young and vibrant research area,” says Center leader Vitor Cardoso.

The Center of Gravity will be run by Center leader, Prof. Vitor Cardoso and his co-PIs: Prof. Emil Bjerrum-Bohr (NBI), Prof. Alessandra Buonanno (AEI), Prof. Troels Harmark (NBI), Prof. Niels Obers (NBI) and Assist. Professor Maarten van de Meent (NBI/AEI).

The CoG center’s research packages will focus on the following research areas:

  • Work package 1: Motion in curved spacetime
  • Work package 2: Spectroscopy of black holes
  • Work package 3: Quantum effects for black holes and gravity
  • Work package 4: Precision tools to understand environments
  • Work package 5: Templates and new data analysis tools

“The Niels Bohr Institute is truly honored to host this prestigious DNRF grant, which is both a significant endorsement of Prof Vitor Cardoso’s activities and an excellent opportunity to enhance our gravitational physics initiatives. I am excited to see gravitational physics gaining more prominence in Copenhagen and I look forward to the groundbreaking discoveries that lie ahead for this center.” says Joachim Mathiesen, Head of Department at the Niels Bohr Institute.

A Center of Excellence is a center funded by the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) for a 6-year period with the possibility of a 4-year extension. In the next coming months, NBI will enter into contract negotiations with the DNRF for the first 6-year period.


Vitor Cardoso
The Center of Gravity (CoG)
Tel.: +45 35 32 53 34
E-mail: vitor.cardoso@nbi.ku.dk


See also: