1 October 2024

International science journalist visits the Niels Bohr Institute

Podcasts at NBI:

With an international Maria Leptin journalist scholarship behind him, science journalist Jens Degett will contribute in the coming months by disseminating stories from the Niels Bohr Institute. Until December, he will mainly be making stories for the podcast platform Science Stories.

Jens Degett
Jens Degett is the man behind Science Stories, which he started in 2019 with a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

Jens Degett says that his Science Stories has had more than 400,000 listened podcasts since 2019. In addition to the Niels Bohr Institute, he will also collaborate with EMBL in Heidelberg and make stories from there.

"Most Science Stories podcasts have been in Danish, but an increasing number of researchers in Denmark speak English, so we have chosen to make some podcasts in English.

Every time we publish a podcast in English, we can see that there is an international audience. In fact, we have listeners from more than 50 countries to our podcast if we count them all. That's why I was immediately interested when I saw the announcement about the Maria Leptin scholarship.

Maria Leptin is president of the European Research Council (ERC), so I wonder if there is interest among Danish researchers in getting their stories out to a larger international audience", says Jens Degett.

Earlier in his career, Jens Degett was an employee at DR P1 and as Head of Communications for ESF, an association of 80 research funds from 30 countries. Science Stories was established in 2019 with a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.


Jens Degett, Science journalist

Email: jens@degett.org 


See also: