1 October 2024

Troels Petersen joins as Denmark's scientific delegate at CERN


On October 1st 2024 Troels Christian Petersen, a NBI researcher in particle physics for many years, will join as Denmark's CERN scientific delegate. Last month, the appointment was announced. The CERN Council is the governing part of CERN.

Troels Petersen joins as Denmark's scientific delegate at CERN
Troels Petersen has been a member of the ATLAS experiment since 2004, and in 2012 he was a part of discovering of the Higgs particle. The picture is from the same event in auditorium A at Blegdamsvej 17 in Copenhagen.

Troels Petersen, a researcher in experimental particle physics at NBI, has been a member of the ATLAS experiment since 2004, and in 2012 he was a part of the discovery the Higgs particle. In his research, Troels has focused on the analysis of data and the use of Machine Learning.

Troels has been appointed to be CERN's Scientific Delegate from 28 September 2024.

CERN is the world's largest laboratory for particle physics and is located just outside Geneva between Switzerland and France. CERN is dominated by its European member states, but has become the world's center for particle physics research.

At CERN's 27 km LHC accelerator, which is the world's most powerful, there are four large experiments, two of which Denmark is involved in: ATLAS and ALICE.

CERN is governed by the CERN Council, which is responsible for CERN's strategic programs as well as scientific, technical and administrative policy. The CERN Council also defines CERN's goals and budget, and appoints CERN's Director General.

Each member country has a scientific and a political delegate in the CERN Council.


Troels Christian Petersen, Associate Professor
E-mail: petersen@nbi.ku.dk
Phone: +45 26 28 37 39


See also: