BUFFALO/Flashlights: Constraints on the abundance of lensed supergiant stars in the Spock galaxy at redshift 1

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  • aa46761-23

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  • Jose M. Diego
  • Sung Kei Li
  • Ashish K. Meena
  • Anna Niemiec
  • Ana Acebron
  • Mathilde Jauzac
  • Mitchell F. Struble
  • Alfred Amruth
  • Tom J. Broadhurst
  • Catherine Cerny
  • Harald Ebeling
  • Alexei V. Filippenko
  • Eric Jullo
  • Patrick Kelly
  • Anton M. Koekemoer
  • David Lagattuta
  • Jeremy Lim
  • Marceau Limousin
  • Guillaume Mahler
  • Nency Patel
  • Juan Remolina
  • Johan Richard
  • Keren Sharon
  • Keiichi Umetsu
  • Liliya Williams
  • Adi Zitrin
  • Jose María Palencia
  • Liang Dai
  • Lingyuan Ji
  • Massimo Pascale
Original languageEnglish
Article numberA124
JournalAstronomy & Astrophysics
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jan 2024

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ID: 381795688