Dynamics of thermal motion of liquid lead nanoinclusions attached to fixed dislocations coupled in a dislocation node in the aluminum-based matrix

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Thermal motion of four liquid lead nanoinclusions attached to fixed dislocation segments joining in a dislocation node in aluminum-based alloy at 485 degrees C is studied in-situ using TEM. The mutual interaction of the inclusions in all pairs is detected demonstrating the collective interaction of the all inclusions. The time-correlated thermal motion of each of the inclusions, and time-correlated thermal motion of the inclusions in all the pairs are indicated. Phase spectra of the time dependencies of the positions of the inclusions on the dislocations obtained using FFT reveal an existence of a common harmonic in their thermal oscillations at low frequencies demonstrating synchronous oscillations of the inclusions. The transition between synchronous and asynchronous dynamics of the thermal oscillations of the inclusions with increasing frequency is observed. The external vibrations introduced by the inclusion attached to the dislocation node are probably the reason for this transition.

Original languageEnglish
JournalPhilosophical Magazine
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)1-26
Number of pages26
Publication statusPublished - 6 Sep 2022

    Research areas

  • Aluminium alloys, liquid nanoparticles, in-situ electron microscopy, synchronisation, thermal motion, Brownian motion, PB INCLUSIONS, BROWNIAN-MOTION, GAS-BUBBLES, DIFFUSION, MIGRATION, BEHAVIOR

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ID: 319117668