Teaching neutron scattering with narratives: Embedding active learning in a narrative to teach modern physics

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review


The poster showcases the Race to Space project: Human-kind is going to Mars. High school students take on the role of ESA scientists. They have just learned that neutron scattering might be useful. A tech-billionaire, Leon Tusk, wants to collaborate. The deal: Funding in exchange for scientific results. First tasks: Test of capabilities of neutron scattering before funding. Tusks sends three lead boxes with different stuff in them. Our group of scientists are to figure out what is in each box. After this, the story takes different turns and has different twists.
Translated title of the contributionUndervisning i neutronspredning med narrativer: Integrering af
Original languageEnglish
Publication date5 Apr 2024
Publication statusPublished - 5 Apr 2024
EventAPS April Meeting 2024 - SAFE Credit Union Convention Center, Sacramento, United States
Duration: 3 Apr 20246 Jul 2024


ConferenceAPS April Meeting 2024
LocationSAFE Credit Union Convention Center
CountryUnited States
Internet address

    Research areas

  • Faculty of Science - Neutron scattering, Active learning, Narrative scenarios, Teaching sequence

ID: 399494836