To what extent can libraries ensure free, equal and unhampered access to Internet-accessible information resources from a global perspective?

Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesis


  • 244

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  • Stuart Hamilton
Original languageEnglish
Publisher[Danmarks Biblioteksskole]
Number of pages321
ISBN (Print)8774152874
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Ph.d.-afhandling, Danmarks Biblioteksskole, Institut for Biblioteksudvikling
Med litteraturhenvisninger og internetadresser
Forkortet elektronisk udgave findes med titlen: Freedom of access to information, freedom of expression and cyberspace : an introduction to the theoretical concepts and practical obstacles facing libraries providing access to information via the Internet

    Research areas

  • Faculty of Humanities - Informationssamfundet, Globalisering, Biblioteker, Internet, Tilgængelighed, Censur, Filtre, Overvågning

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