From Cooper pair splitting to nonlocal spectroscopy of a Shiba state

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  • Zoltan Scherubl
  • Gergo Fulop
  • Jorg Gramich
  • Andras Palyi
  • Christian Schonenberger
  • Nygård, Jesper
  • Szabolcs Csonka

Cooper pair splitting (CPS) is a way to create spatially separated, entangled electron pairs. To this day, CPS is often identified in experiments as a spatial current correlation. However, such correlations can arise even in the absence of CPS, when a quantum dot is strongly coupled to the superconductor, and a subgap Shiba state is formed. Here, we present a detailed experimental characterization of those spatial current correlations, as the tunnel barrier strength between the quantum dot and the neighboring normal electrode is tuned. The correlation of the nonlocal signal and the barrier strength reveals a competition between CPS and the nonlocal probing of the Shiba state. We describe our experiment with a simple transport model and obtain the tunnel couplings of our device by fitting the model's prediction to the measured conductance correlation curve. Furthermore, we use our theory to extract the contribution of CPS to the nonlocal signal.

TidsskriftPhysical Review Research
Udgave nummer2
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 24 maj 2022

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