Motion in time-periodic backgrounds with applications to ultralight dark matter halos at galactic centers

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  • Mateja Boskovic
  • Francisco Duque
  • Miguel C. Ferreira
  • Filipe S. Miguel
  • Cardoso, Vitor

We consider motion in spherically symmetric but time-dependent backgrounds. This problem is of interest, for example, in the context of ultralight dark matter, where galactic haloes produce a time-dependent and periodic gravitational potential. We study the properties of motion of stars in such spacetimes, for different field strengths and frequency, and including dissipative effects. We show that orbital resonances may occur and that spectroscopic emission lines from stars in these geometries exhibit characteristic, periodic modulation patterns. In addition, we work out a fully relativistic and weak-field description of a special class of time-periodic geometries, that of scalar oscillatons. When applied to the galactic center, our results indicate that the motion of S2-like stars may carry distinguishable observational imprints of ultralight dark matter.

TidsskriftPhysical Review D
Udgave nummer2
Antal sider28
StatusUdgivet - 23 jul. 2018
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 299201670