Open Access – how-to in relation to my publications?

Webinar on how to publish Open Access, what funders require for publications and what steps must be taken by authors to comply with these conditions.

Location: Online webinar
- Attendees will receive a link to the webinar by e-mail the day before it starts.​

​It is becoming increasingly important to ensure that when one publishes there is free and unhindered access for all. In this webinar we will explain what Open Access is, what funders (especially EU) require for publications to be Open Access, and what steps must be taken by authors to comply with these conditions.

The webinar will introduce and explain the terminology used in this area, and introduce you to tools which can be useful in choosing the correct journals to publish in before making agreements with publishers and journals.

Attendees w​ill receive a link to the webinar by mail the day before it starts.​