NBIA Colloquium by Claus Thustrup Kreiner

You are hereby invited to an NBIA Colloquium on

Friday, January 20 at 3:15 PM in Auditorium A

Speaker: Claus Thustrup Kreiner (Dept. of Economics, Copenhagen University)

Title: "Role of Behavior for Inequality"

Abstract: The talk will give an introduction to the research at Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (a DNRF CoE). Income, wealth, health, and many other outcomes vary across people.

For example, in Denmark, the top 1% richest own 20% of the wealth and earn close to 10% of income. High-income people can expect to live 3 years longer than low-income peers, and more than 1 out of 5 get into financial trouble in their twenties if born into families in financial trouble.

  • What are the sources of such inequalities in prosperity, health, and financial future?
  • How much inequality is there in society?
  • Is inequality viewed as fair or unfair?
  • How do public policies affect inequality?
  • These fundamental questions are difficult to answer.

A key reason is that behavior of people is crucial for all aspects of inequality but difficult to measure. CEBI breaks new ground in our understanding of behavior by collecting and linking many types of data using a unique data infrastructure.

Brief bio-sketch: Claus Thustrup Kreiner received his PhD in Economics from Copenhagen University in 1998 and was Associate Professor in the same department 199-2004, until becoming full Professor in 2005.

  • He was Director of WEST, a Center of Research Excellence at University of Copenhagen 2011-13 and has since 2017 been Director of Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality.
  • Claus Thustrup Kreiner has served on numerous public committees for economic policy and has since 2009 been Research Fellow t the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in London.
  • He was Co-chair of the Danish Economic Council 2010-14 and has since 2019 been on Board of Management, International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF).
  • Claus Thustrup Kreiner was appointed Knight of the Order of Dannebrog in 2018.

Refreshments will be served in Auditorium C after the talk.