PhD Defense by Jakob Lass

Jakob Lass

Novel quantum materials play an increasingly important role in ground research, searching for functional materials. One such example is the multiferroic Ni3TeO6, which is a simple representative for the family of function quantum materials useful for future electronic devices due to its ability to switch between two magnetic states by application of an electric field without energy loss.

In order to investigate the complex magnetic properties of materials neutron scattering is the main tool of choice, in particular neutron spectrometers. The basic capabilities of continuous source spectrometers have remained roughly unchanged from their invention up until the 1990' where multiplexing instruments were introduced. The latest upgrade to triple-axes spectrometers is the Continuous Angle, Multi Energy Analysis concept, denoted CAMEA as well as the prismatic concept. These concepts have been realised in the CAMEA instrument at the Paul Scherrer Institut in Switzerland.

With this new type of highly complex instruments comes larger and more complicated data structures requiring the development of software tools as users can't be expected to treat multi-dimensional data, cross-normalization, and statistical approaches unaided. This is the main reason behind the development of the MJOLNIR software library and corresponding MJOLNIRGui program.

In this presentation found first order transition of Ni3TeO6 from a collinear antiferromagnetic structure to a helical structure without hysteresis will be explained and the neutron scattering data measured on Ni3TeO6 will be used to introduce and describe the leap forward in instrumental capabilities of the CAMEA instrument and  motivate the main ideas in the the software tool MJOLNIR.


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Topic: Jakob Lass Thesis defence, Zoom Meeting
Time: Jan 6, 2021 01:30 PM Copenhagen
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