New B.Sc. students: 2024.09.09 Welcome to 142 new physics students We are pleased to welcome everyone with an introduction program consisting of a voluntary kickstart…
Black holes and gravitational waves: 2024.08.23 Black Hole Week at NBI This August we are celebrating black holes in Copenhagen! There are many reasons to be excited. We…
Blockbuster of the Blok 3: 2024.08.20 Blockbuster of the Blok - Saulius Vaitikenas The NBI teaching committee has decided to highlight a teacher four times a year to recognize…
Inaugural Lecture: 2024.08.20 Inaugural Lecture by Pascale Deen Neutron scattering as the essential tool for the study of exotic emergent magnetic states of matter…
"Kig op" at 2024.08.01 Look up in August Read here (in Danish) what's visible in the stellar sky in August.
Fencing 2024.07.04 "Bohr Fencing Club" Takes the Gold Three physics students from NBI, Sejr S. Bergman, Ivan Kanev and Peter E. Rischel, succeeded in…
"Kig op" at 2024.07.01 This month's starry sky Read here (in Danish) what's currently visible on the stellar sky.
Quantum computer 2024.06.28 University of Copenhagen and MIT Join Forces for Transatlantic Research in Quantum Computing Quantum computers have the potential to change the world. A new collaboration between Novo Nordisk…
New DNRF chairperson: 2024.06.27 Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen new DNRF chairperson The Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science, Christina Egelund, has appointed Professor…
CLIMATE AWARD: 2024.06.18 Dorthe Dahl-Jensen receives the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Professor at the section of Physics of Ice and Climate (PICE) at the Niels Bohr…
LARGE GRANT FOR NEW ESS Lighthouse: 2025.01.21 New research lighthouse to focus on developing better food and medicine Researchers at the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University receive DKK 39.4 million to…
Antarctica: 2025.01.09 Historic Drilling Campaign Reaches more than 1.2-Million-Year-Old Ice It is expected that the 2,800 meter deep ice core drilling down to the bedrock under the Antarctic…