Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

Dorthe Dahl-Jensen


Introductory remarks on publicationslist

Most of my publications can be downloaded from Web of Science but please use the author:

Dahl-Jensen D* or Dahl Jensen D* or DahlJensen D*

  1. Accepted/In press

    Simulating higher-order fabric structure in a coupled, anisotropic ice-flow model: application to Dome C

    Lilien, D. A., Rathmann, Nicholas Mossor, Hvidberg, Christine Schøtt, Grinsted, Aslak, Ershadi, M. R., Drews, R. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 7 Nov 2023, (Accepted/In press) In: Journal of Glaciology. p. 1-20

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  2. Published

    Modeling Ice-Crystal Fabric as a Proxy for Ice-Stream Stability

    Lilien, D. A., Rathmann, Nicholas Mossor, Hvidberg, Christine Schøtt & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 21 Sep 2021, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 126, 9, 25 p., e2021JF006306.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Magnitude, frequency and climate forcing of global volcanism during the last glacial period as seen in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores (60-9 ka)

    Lin, Jiamei, Svensson, Anders, Hvidberg, Christine Schøtt, Lohmann, Johannes Jakob, Kristiansen, S., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Cook, Eliza, Kjær, Helle Astrid, Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Fischer, H., Stocker, T., Sigl, M., Bigler, M., Severi, M., Traversi, R. & Mulvaney, R., 15 Mar 2022, In: Climate of the Past. 18, 3, p. 485-506 22 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published
  5. Published

    Greenland and Canadian Arctic ice temperature profiles database

    Løkkegaard, A., Mankoff, K. D., Zdanowicz, C., Clow, G. D., Lüthi, M. P., Doyle, S. H., Thomsen, H. H., Fisher, D., Harper, J., Aschwanden, A., Vinther, B. M., Dahl-jensen, D., Zekollari, H., Meierbachtol, T., Mcdowell, I., Humphrey, N., Solgaard, A., Karlsson, N. B., Khan, S. A., Hills, B. & 7 others, Law, R., Hubbard, B., Christoffersen, P., Jacquemart, M., Seguinot, J., Fausto, R. S. & Colgan, W. T., 8 Sep 2023, In: The Cryosphere. 17, 9, p. 3829-3845 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Evidence of isotopic fractionation during vapor exchange between the atmosphere and the snow surface in Greenland

    Madsen, M. V., Steen-Larsen, H. C., Hörhold, M., Box, J. E., Berben, S., Capron, E., Faber, A., Hubbard, A., Jensen, M., Jones, T., Kipfstuhl, S., Koldtoft, Iben, Pillar, H. R., Vaughn, B., Vladimirova, D. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 27 Mar 2019, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 124, p. 2932-2945

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Detection of ice core particles via deep neural networks

    Maffezzoli, N., Cook, E., van der Bilt, W. G. M., Storen, E. N., Festi, D., Muthreich, F., Seddon, A. W. R., Burgay, F., Baccolo, G., Mygind, A. R. F., Petersen, T., Spolaor, A., Vascon, S., Pelillo, M., Ferretti, P., dos Reis, R. S., Simoes, J. C., Ronen, Y., Delmonte, B., Viccaro, M. & 4 others, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Nisancioglu, K. H. & Barbante, C., 7 Feb 2023, In: Cryosphere. 17, 2, p. 539-565 27 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    Holocene climatic changes in Greenland: Different deuterium excess signals at Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) and NorthGRIP

    Masson-Delmotte, V., Landais, A., Stievenard, M., Cattani, O., Falourd, S., Jouzel, J., Johnsen, S. J., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Sveinbjörnsdottir, A. E., White, J. W. C., Popp, T. & Fischer, H., 2005, In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 110, p. D14102

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Rapid climate variability during warm and cold periods in polar regions and Europe

    Masson-Delmotte, V., Landais, A., Combourieu-Nebout, N., von Grafenstein, U., Jouzel, J., Caillon, N., Chappellaz, J., Stenni, B., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Johnsen, S. J., 2005, In: Comptes Rendus Geoscience. 337, 10-11, p. 935-946

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Dynamics of crystal formation in the Greenland NorthGRIP ice core

    Mathiesen, Joachim, Ferkinghoff-Borg, J., Jensen, Mogens Høgh, Levinsen, Mogens, Olesen, P., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Svensson, Anders, 2004, In: Journal of Glaciology. 50, 170, p. 325-328 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  11. Published

    Ice-sheet flow conditions deduced from mechanical tests of ice core

    Miyamoto, A., Narita, H., Hondoh, T., Shoji, H., Kawada, K., Watanabe, O., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Gundestrup, N. S., Clausen, H. B. & Duval, P., 1999, In: Annals of Glaciology. 29, 1, p. 179-183

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  12. Published

    Origin of englacial stratigraphy at three deep ice core sites of the Greenland Ice Sheet by synthetic radar modelling

    Mojtabavi, S., Eisen, O., Franke, S., Jansen, D., Steinhage, D., Paden, J., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Weikusat, I., Eichler, J. & Wilhelms, F., 23 Feb 2022, In: Journal of Glaciology. 68, 270, 13 p., 0022143021001374.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  13. Published

    A first chronology for the East Greenland Ice-core Project (EGRIP) over the Holocene and last glacial termination

    Mojtabavi, S., Wilhelms, F., Cook, Eliza, Siwan M., D., Sinnl, Giulia, Skov Jensen, M., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Svensson, Anders, Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Kipfstuhl, S., Gwydion, J., Karlsson, N. B., Henrique Faria, S., Gkinis, Vasileios, Kjær, Helle Astrid, Erhardt, T., Berben, S. M. P., Nisancioglu, K. H., Koldtoft, Iben & Rasmussen, Sune Olander, 27 Sep 2020, In: Climate of the Past. 16, 6, p. 2359-2380 21 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  14. Published

    Fabric measurement along the NEEM ice core, Greenland, and comparison with GRIP and NGRIP ice cores

    Montagnat, M., Azuma, N., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Eichler, J., Fujita, S., Gillet-Chaulet, F., Kipfstuhl, S., Samyn, D., Svensson, Anders & Weikusat, I., 14 Jan 2014, Copernicus/EGU.

    Research output: Other contributionResearch

  15. Published

    Fabric along the NEEM ice core, Greenland, and its comparison with GRIP and NGRIP ice cores

    Montagnat, M., Azuma, N., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Eichler, J., Fujita, S., Gillet-Chaulet, F., Kipfstuhl, S., Samyn, D., Svensson, Anders & Weikusat, I., 1 Jul 2014, In: Cryosphere. 8, p. 1129-1138

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  16. Published

    Variation in recent annual snow deposition and seasonality of snow chemistry at the east Greenland ice core project (EGRIP) camp, Greenland

    Nakazawa, F., Nagatsuka, N., Hirabayashi, M., Goto-Azuma, K., Steffensen, Jørgen Peder & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 1 Mar 2021, In: Polar Science. 27, 11 p., 100597.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  17. Published

    Greenland 2012 melt event effects on CryoSat-2 radar altimetry

    Nilsson, J., Vallelonga, P., Simonsen, S. B., Sorensen, L. S., Forsberg, R., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Hirabayashi, M., Goto-Azuma, K., Hvidberg, Christine Schøtt, Kjær, Helle Astrid & Satow, K., 28 May 2015, In: Geophysical Research Letters (Online). 42, 10, p. 3919-3926

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  18. Published

    High-resolution record of Northern Hemisphere climate extending into the last interglacial period

    North Greenland Ice Core Project members, Andersen, K. K., Azuma, N., Barnola, J-M., Bigler, M., Biscaye, P., Caillon, N., Chappellaz, J., Clausen, H. B., Dahl-Jensen, D., Fischer, H., Flückiger, J., Fritzsche, D., Fujii, Y., Goto-Azuma, K., Grønvold, K., Gundestrup, N. S., Hansson, M., Huber, C., Hvidberg, C. S. & 30 others, Johnsen, S. J., Jonsell, U., Jouzel, J., Kipfstuhl, S., Landais, A., Leuenberger, M., Lorrain, R., Masson-Delmotte, V., Miller, H., Motoyama, H., Narita, H., Popp, T., Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Raynaud, D., Röthlisberger, R., Ruth, U., Samyn, D., Schwander, J., Shoji, H., Siggaard-Andersen, Marie-Louise, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Stocker, T., Sveinbjörnsdóttir, A. E., Svensson, Anders, Takata, M., Tison, J., Thorsteinsson, T., Watanabe, O., Wilhelms, F. & White, J. W. C., 2004, In: Nature. 431, p. 147-151

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  19. Published

    A Lightweight Planar Ultrawideband UHF Monopole Mills Cross Array for Ice Sounding

    Nunn, J. A., Li, L., Yan, S., O'Neill, C., Simpson, C. D., Gogineni, P. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 1 Jul 2020, In: IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 19, 7, p. 1197-1200 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  20. Published

    Ice sheets and sea level

    Oerlemans, J., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Masson-Delmotte, V., 2006, In: Science. 313, 5790, p. 1043-1044

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  21. Published

    The recent warming trend in North Greenland

    Orsi, A. J., Kawamura, K., Masson-Delmotte, V., Fettweis, X., Box, J. E., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Clow, G. D., Landais, A. & Severinghaus, J. P., 28 Jun 2017, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 44, 12, p. 6235-6243

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  22. Published

    New technique for high-precision, simultaneous measurements of CH4, N2O and CO2 concentrations: isotopic and elemental ratios of N-2, O-2 and Ar; and total air content in ice cores by wet extraction

    Oyabu, I., Kawamura, K., Kitamura, K., Dallmayr, R., Kitamura, A., Sawada, C., Severinghaus, J. P., Beaudette, R., Orsi, A., Sugawara, S., Ishidoya, S., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Goto-Azuma, K., Aoki, S. & Nakazawa, T., 2020, In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 13, 12, p. 6703-6731 29 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  23. Published

    Wideband measurements of ice sheet attenuation and basal cattering

    Paden, J. D., Allen, C. T., Gogineni, S., Jezek, K. C., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Larsen, L. B., 2005, In: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2, 2, p. 164-168

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  24. Published

    Synchronization of the NGRIP, GRIP, and GISP2 ice core across MIS 2 and palaeoclimatic implications

    Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Seierstad, I. K., Andersen, K. K., Bigler, M., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Johnsen, S. J., 2008, In: Quaternary Science Reviews. 27, 1-2, p. 18-28 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  25. Published

    A first chronology for the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM) ice core

    Rasmussen, S. O., Abbott, P. M., Blunier, T., Bourne, A. J., Brook, E., Buchardt, S. L., Buizert, C., Chappettaz, J., Clausen, H. B., Cook, E., Dahl-Jensen, D., Davies, S. M., Guillevic, M., Kipfstuhl, S., Laepple, T., Seierstad, I. K., Severunghaus, J. P., Steffensen, J. P., Stowasser, C., Svensson, A. & 4 others, Vallelonga, P. T., Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Wilhelms, F. & Winstrup, M., 5 Dec 2013, In: Climate of the Past. 9, p. 2713-2730

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  26. Published

    Ice-core data used for the construction of the Greenland Ice-Core Chronology 2005 and 2021 (GICC05 and GICC21)

    Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Fischer, H., Fuhrer, K., Hansen, S. B., Hansson, M., Hvidberg, Christine Schøtt, Jonsell, U., Kipfstuhl, S., Ruth, U., Schwander, J., Siggaard-Andersen, Marie-Louise, Sinnl, Giulia, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Svensson, Anders & Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, 2 Aug 2023, In: Earth System Science Data. 15, 8, p. 3351-3364 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  27. Published

    A stratigraphic framework for abrupt climatic changes during the Last Glacial period based on three synchronized Greenland ice-core records: refining and extending the INTIMATE event stratigraphy

    Rasmussen, S. O., Bigler, M., Blockley, S. P., Blunier, T., Buchardt, S. L., Clausen, H. B., Cvijanovic, I., Dahl-Jensen, D., Johnsen, S. J., Fischer, H., Gkinis, V., Guillevic, M., Hoek, W. Z., Lowe, J. J., Pedro, J. B., Popp, T. J., Seierstad, I. K., Steffensen, J. P., Svensson, A., Vallelonga, P. T. & 4 others, Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Walker, M. J., Wheatley, J. J. & Winstrup, M., 15 Dec 2014, In: Quaternary Science Reviews. 106, p. 14-25

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  28. Published

    A new Greenland ice core chronology for the last glacial termination

    Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Andersen, K. K., Svensson, Anders, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Clausen, H. B., Siggaard-Andersen, Marie-Louise, Johnsen, S. J., Larsen, L. B., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Bigler, M., Röthlisberger, R., Fischer, H., Goto-Azuma, K., Hansson, M. E. & Ruth, U., 2006, In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. 111, D6, p. 1-16

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  29. Published

    Effect of an orientation-dependent non-linear grain fluidity on bulk directional enhancement factors

    Rathmann, Nicholas Mossor, Hvidberg, Christine Schøtt, Grinsted, Aslak, Lilien, D. A. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 1 Jun 2021, In: Journal of Glaciology. 67, 263, p. 569-575 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterResearchpeer-review

  30. Published

    On the Limitations of Using Polarimetric Radar Sounding to Infer the Crystal Orientation Fabric of Ice Masses

    Rathmann, Nicholas Mossor, Lilien, D. A., Grinsted, Aslak, Gerber, T. A., Young, T. J. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 16 Jan 2022, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 49, 1, 11 p., ARTN e2021GL096244.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  31. Published

    Elastic wave propagation in anisotropic polycrystals: inferring physical properties of glacier ice

    Rathmann, Nicholas Mossor, Grinsted, Aslak, Mosegaard, Klaus, Lilien, D. A. A., Westhoff, Julien, Hvidberg, Christine Schøtt, Prior, D. J. J., Lutz, F., Thomas, R. E. E. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 21 Dec 2022, In: Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 478, 2268, 25 p., 20220574.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  32. Published

    Denmark’s Road Map for Fossil Fuel Independence

    Richardson, Katherine, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Elmeskov, J., Hagem, C., Henningsen, J., Korstgård, J. A., Kristensen, N. B., Morthorst, P. E., Olesen, J. E., Wier, M., Nielsen, M. & Karlsson, K. B., 2011, In: Solutions Journal. 2, 4, p. 1 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  33. Published

    Denmark's Road Map for Fossil Fuel Independance

    Richardson, Katherine, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Elmeskov, J., Hagem, C., Kortgård, J., Kristensen, N. B., Morthorst, P. E., Olesen, J. E., Wier, M., Nielsen, M. & Kalrsson, K., Jul 2011, In: Solutions Journal. 2, 4, 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleCommunication

  34. Published

    Natural and anthropogenic variations in methane sources during the past two millennia

    Sapart, C. J., Monteil, G., Prokopiou, M., van de Wal, R. S. W., Kaplan, J., Krumhardt, K. M., van der Veen, C., Houweling, S., Krol, M. C., Blunier, Thomas & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 4 Oct 2012, In: Nature. 490, 7418, p. 85-88 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  35. Published

    Greenland records of aerosol source and atmospheric lifetime changes from the Eemian to the Holocene

    Schupbach, S., Fischer, H., Bigler, M., Erhardt, T., Gfeller, G., Leuenberger, D., Mini, O., Mulvaney, R., Abram, N. J., Fleet, L., Frey, M. M., Thomas, E., Svensson, A., Dahl-Jensen, D., Kettner, E., Kjaer, H., Seierstad, I., Steffensen, J. P., Rasmussen, S. O., Vallelonga, P. & 30 others, Winstrup, M., Wegner, A., Twarloh, B., Wolff, K., Schmidt, K., Goto-Azuma, K., Kuramoto, T., Hirabayashi, M., Uetake, J., Zheng, J., Bourgeois, J., Fisher, D., Zhiheng, D., Xiao, C., Legrand, M., Spolaor, A., Gabrieli, J., Barbante, C., Kang, J. -., Hur, S. D., Hong, S. B., Hwang, H. J., Hong, S., Hansson, M., Iizuka, Y., Oyabu, I., Muscheler, R., Adolphi, F., Maselli, O. & McConnell, J., 16 Apr 2018, In: Nature Communications. 9, 1476.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  36. Published

    Ice flow between the Greenland Ice Core Project and Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 boreholes in central Greenland

    Schøtt Hvidberg, C., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Waddington, E. D., 1997, In: Journal of Geophysical Reearch. Vol. 102, No. C12, p. 26851-26859

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearch

  37. Published

    Ice cores: High-resolution archive of rapid climate changes

    Schüpbach, S., Fischer, H., Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Svensson, Anders, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder & White, J. W. C., 1 Aug 2016, In: PAGES Magazine. 24, 1, p. 12-13

    Research output: Contribution to journalReviewResearchpeer-review

  38. Published

    Sea ice fluctuations in the Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea during glacial abrupt climate changes

    Scoto, F., Sadatzki, H., Maffezzoli, N., Barbante, C., Gagliardi, A., Varin, C., Vallelonga, P., Gkinis, Vasileios, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Kjær, Helle Astrid, Burgay, F., Saiz-Lopez, A., Stein, R. & Spolaor, A., 1 Nov 2022, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119, 44, 9 p., 2203468119.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  39. Published

    Consistently dated records from the Greenland GRIP, GISP2 and NGRIP ice cores for the past 104 ka reveal regional millennial-scale δ18O gradients with possible Heinrich event imprint

    Seierstad, I. K., Abbott, P. M., Bigler, M., Blunier, Thomas, Bourne, A. J., Brook, E., Buchardt, S. L., Buizert, C., Clausen, H. B., Cook, Eliza, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Davies, S. M., Guillevic, M., Johnsen, S. J., Pedersen, D. S., Popp, T. J., Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Severinghaus, J. P., Svensson, Anders & Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, 2014, In: Quaternary Science Reviews. 106, p. 29-46

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  40. Published

    Microstructural analysis of Greenland ice using a cryogenic scanning electron microscope equipped with an electron backscatter diffraction detector

    Shigeyama, W., Nagatsuka, N., Homma, T., Takata, M., Goto-Azuma, K., Weikusat, I., Drury, M. R., Kuiper, E. J. N., Mateiu, R. V., Azuma, N., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Kipfstuhl, S., 2019, In: Bulletin of Glaciological Research. 37, p. 31-45 15 p., 9R01.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  41. Published

    Timing and climate forcing of volcanic eruptions for the past 2,500 years

    Sigl, M., Winstrup, M., McConnell, J. R., Welten, K. C., Plunkett, G., Ludlow, F., Buentgen, U., Caffee, M., Chellman, N., Dahl-Jensen, D., Fischer, H., Kipfstuhl, S., Kostick, C., Maselli, O. J., Mekhaldi, F., Mulvaney, R., Muscheler, R., Pasteris, D. R., Pilcher, J. R., Salzer, M. & 4 others, Schuepbach, S., Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Vinther, Bo Møllesøe & Woodruff, T. E., 30 Jul 2015, In: Nature. 523, 7562, p. 543-549

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  42. Published

    A new bipolar ice core record of volcanism from WAIS Divide and NEEM and implications for climate forcing of the last 2000 years

    Sigl, M., McConnell, J. R., Layman, L., Maselli, O., McGwire, K., Pasteris, D., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Edwards, R., Mulvaney, R. & Kipfstuhl, S., 16 Feb 2013, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 118, 3, p. 1151-1169

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  43. Published

    Basal conditions at Engabreen, Norway, inferred from surface measurements and inverse modelling

    Solgaard, Anne Munck, Messerli, A., Schellenberger, T., Hvidberg, Christine Schøtt, Grinsted, Aslak, Jackson, M., Zwinger, T., Karlsson, N. B. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 1 Aug 2018, In: Journal of Glaciology. 64, 246, p. 555-567 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  44. Published

    Canadian Arctic sea ice reconstructed from bromine in the Greenland NEEM ice core

    Spolaor, A., Turetta, C., Vallelonga, P. T., Maffezzoli, N., Cozzi, G., Gabrieli, J., Barbante, C., Goto-Azuma, K., Saiz-Lopez, A., Cuevas, C. A. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 2016, In: Scientific Reports. 6, 9 p., 33925.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  45. Published

    What controls the isotopic composition of Greenland surface snow?

    Steen-Larsen, H. C., Masson-Delmotte, V., Hirabayashi, M., Winkler, R., Satow, K., Prie, F., Bayou, N., Brun, E., Cuffey, K. M., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Dumont, M., Guillevic, M., Kipfstuhl, S., Landais, A., Popp, T., Risi, C., Steffen, K., Stenni, B. & Sveinbjornsdottir, A. E., 1 Jan 2014, In: Climate of the Past. 10, 1, p. 377-392

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  46. Published

    Continuous monitoring of summer surface water vapour isotopic composition above the Greenland Ice Sheet

    Steen-Larsen, H. C., Johnsen, S. J., Masson-Delmotte, V., Stenni, B., Risi, C., Sodemann, H., Balslev-Clausen, D., Blunier, T., Dahl-Jensen, D., Ellehøj, M. D., Falourd, S., Gkinis, V., Grindsted, A., Jouzel, J., Popp, T., Sheldon, S., Simonsen, S. B., Sjolte, J., Steffensen, J. P., Sperlich, P. & 3 others, Sveinbjörnsdóttir, A. E., Vinther, Bo Møllesøe & White, J. W. C., 14 Jan 2013

    Research output: Other contributionResearch

  47. Published

    Moisture sources and synoptic to seasonal variability of North Atlantic water vapor isotopic composition

    Steen-Larsen, H. C., Sveinbjornsdottir, A. E., Jonsson, T., Ritter, F., Bonne, J. -., Masson-Delmotte, V., Sodemann, H., Blunier, Thomas, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, 27 Jun 2015, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 120, 12, p. 5757-5774

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  48. Published

    Understanding the climatic signal in the water stable isotope records from the NEEM shallow firn/ice cores in northwest Greenland

    Steen-Larsen, H. C., Masson-Delmotte, V., Sjolte, J., Johnsen, S. J., Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Clausen, H. B., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Svensson, Anders & Falourd...[et al.], S., 22 Mar 2011, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 116, p. D06108

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  49. Published

    Modelling Binge-Purge oscillations of the laurentide ice sheet using a plastic ice sheet. International-Union-of-Geodesy-and-Geophysics Meeting, JUL 02-13, 2007 Perugia, ITALY

    Steen-Larsen, H. C. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 2008, In: Annals of Glaciology. 48, 1, p. 177-182 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  50. Published

    Continuous monitoring of summer surface water vapor isotopic composition above the Greenland Ice Sheet

    Steen-Larsen, H. C., Johnsen, S. J., Masson-Delmotte, V., Stenni, B., Risi, Balslev-Clausen, D. M., Blunier, T., Dahl-Jensen, D., Ellehøj, M. D., Falourd, S., Grinsted, A., Gkinis, V., Jouzel, J., Popp, T. J., Sheldon, S., Simonsen, S. B., Sjolte, J., Steffensen, J. P., Sperlich, P., Sveinbjornsdottir, A. E. & 2 others, Vinther, Bo Møllesøe & White, J. W. C., 14 Jan 2013, In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 13, 9, p. 4815-4828

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  51. Published

    High-resolution Greenland Ice Core data show abrupt climate change happens in few years

    Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Andersen, K. K., Bigler, M., Clausen, H. B., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Fischer, H., Goto-Azuma, K., Hansson, M., Johnsen, S. J., Jouzel, J., Masson-Delmotte, V., Popp, T. J., Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Röthlisberger, R., Ruth, U., Stauffer, B., Siggaard-Andersen, Marie-Louise, Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Á. E., Svensson, Anders & White, J. W. C., 2008, In: Science. 321, p. 680-684 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  52. Published

    Chemical and visual characterisation of EGRIP glacial ice and cloudy bands within

    Stoll, N., Westhoff, Julien, Bohleber, P., Svensson, Anders, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Barbante, C. & Weikusat, I., 12 May 2023, In: The Cryosphere. 17, 5, p. 2021-2043 23 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  53. Published

    10Be climate fingerprints during the Eemian in the NEEM ice core, Greenland

    Storm, A. S., Aldahan, A., Possnert, G., Berggren, A. M., Muscheler, R., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Vinther, Bo Møllesøe & Usoskin, I., 30 Sep 2014, In: Scientific Reports. 4, 6408.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  54. Published

    The Greenland ice core chronology 2005, 15-42 ka. Part 2: comparison to other records

    Svensson, Anders, Andersen, K. K., Bigler, M., Clausen, H. B., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Davies, S. M., Johnsen, S. J., Muscheler, R., Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Röthlisberger, R., Steffensen, Jørgen Peder & Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, 2006, In: Quaternary Science Reviews. 25, 23-24, p. 3258-3267

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  55. Published

    Direct linking of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores at the Toba eruption (74 Ka BP)

    Svensson, Anders, Bigler, M., Blunier, Thomas, Clausen, H. B., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Fischer, H., Johnsen, S. J., Goto-Azuma, K., Kawamura, K., Kipfstuhl, S., Popp, T. J., Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Seierstad, I. K., Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Vallelonga, P. T., Vinther, Bo Møllesøe & Winstrup, M., 1 May 2013, In: Climate of the Past. 9, p. 749-766 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  56. Published

    Properties of ice crystals in NorthGRIP late- to middle-Holocene ice

    Svensson, Anders, Schmidt, K. G., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Johnsen, S. J., Wang, Y., Kipfstuhl, S. & Thorsteinsson, T., 2003, In: Annals of Glaciology. 37, 1, p. 113-118 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  57. Published

    Texture of the upper 1000 m in the GRIP and NorthGRIP ice cores

    Svensson, Anders, Durand, G., Mathiesen, Joachim, Persson, A. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 2009, Low Temperature Science Supplement Issue: Physics of Ice Core Records II. Hondoh, T. (ed.). Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo Japan, Vol. 68. p. 107-113 7 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

  58. Published

    Annual layering in the NGRIP ice core during the Eemian

    Svensson, Anders, Bigler, M., Kettner, E., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Johnsen, S. J., Kipfstuhl, S., Nielsen, M. & Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, 16 Dec 2011, In: Climate of the Past. 7, p. 1427 1437 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  59. Published

    A 60 000 year Greenland stratigraphic ice core chronology

    Svensson, Anders, Andersen, K. K., Bigler, M., Clausen, H. B., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Davies, S. M., Johnsen, S. J., Muscheler, R., Parrenin, F., Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Seierstad, I. K., Röthlisberger, R., Steffensen, Jørgen Peder & Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, 2 Apr 2008, In: Climate of the Past. 4, 1, p. 47-57 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  60. Published

    Supplementary material to "Bipolar volcanic synchronization of abrupt climate change in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores during the last glacial period"

    Svensson, A., Dahl-Jensen, D., Steffensen, J. P., Blunier, T., Rasmussen, S. O., Vinther, B. M., Vallelonga, P., Capron, E., Gkinis, V., Cook, E., Kjær, H. A., Muscheler, R., Kipfstuhl, S., Wilhelms, F., Stocker, T. F., Fischer, H., Adolphi, F., Erhardt, T., Sigl, M., Landais, A. & 6 others, Parrenin, F., Buizert, C., McConnell, J. R., Severi, M., Mulvaney, R. & Bigler, M., 6 Apr 2020, 32 p. Copernicus/EGU.

    Research output: Other contributionResearch

  61. Published

    Bipolar volcanic synchronization of abrupt climate change in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores during the last glacial period

    Svensson, A., Dahl-Jensen, D., Steffensen, J. P., Blunier, T., Rasmussen, S. O., Vinther, B. M., Vallelonga, P. T., Capron, E., Gkinis, V., Cook, E., Kjær, H. A., Muscheler, R., Kipfstuhl, S., Wilhelms, F., Stocker, T. F., Fischer, H., Adolphi, F., Erhardt, T., Sigl, M., Landais, A. & 6 others, Parrenin, F., Buizert, C., McConnell, J. R., Severi, M., Mulvaney, R. & Bigler, M., 19 Aug 2020, In: Climate of the Past. 16, p. 1565-1580 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  62. Published

    Retrieving the paleoclimatic signal from the deeper part of the EPICA Dome C ice core

    Tison, J. -L., de Angelis, M., Littot, G., Wolff, E., Fischer, H., Hansson, M., Bigler, M., Udisti, R., Wegner, A., Jouzel, J., Stenni, B., Johnsen, S., Masson-Delmotte, V., Landais, A., Lipenkov, V., Loulergue, L., Barnola, J. -M., Petit, J. -R., Delmonte, B., Dreyfus, G. & 9 others, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Durand, G., Bereiter, B., Schilt, A., Spahni, R., Pol, K., Lorrain, R., Souchez, R. & Samyn, D., 1 Feb 2015, In: Cryosphere. 9, 4, p. 1633-1648

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  63. Published

    Discovery of argon in air-hydrate crystals in a deep ice core using scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy

    Uchida, T., Shigeyama, W., Oyabu, I., Goto-Azuma, K., Nakazawa, F., Homma, T., Kawamura, K. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 2022, In: Journal of Glaciology. 68, 269, p. 547-556 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  64. Published

    Initial results from geophysical surveys and shallow coring of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS)

    Vallelonga, P. T., Christianson, K., Alley, R. B., Anandakrishnan, S., Dahl-Jensen, D., Gkinis, V., Holme, C. T., Jacobel, R. W., Karlsson, N. B., Keisling, B. A., Kipfstuhl, S., Kjær, H. A., Kristensen, M. E., Muto, A., Peters, L. E., Popp, T. J., Riverman, K. L., Svensson, A., Tibuleac, C., Vinther, B. M. & 2 others, Weng, Y. & Winstrup, M., 10 Jan 2014, In: The Cryosphere Discussions. 8, p. 1275-1287

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  65. Published

    Ecological Implications of Changes in the Arctic Cryosphere

    Vincent...[et al.], W., Callaghan, T. V., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Johansson, M., 1 Dec 2011, In: Ambio. 40, 1, p. 87-99

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  66. Published

    Reply to comment by J. S. Denton and N. J. G. Pearce on ''A synchronized dating of three Greenland ice cores throughout the holocene''

    Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Clausen, H. B., Johnsen, S. J., Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Andersen, K. K., Buchardt, S. L., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Seierstad, I. K., Svensson, Anders, Siggaard-Andersen, Marie-Louise, Olsen, J. & Heinemeier, J., 24 Jun 2008, In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. 113, D4, p. D04304 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  67. Published

    Synchronizing ice cores from the Renland and Agassiz ice caps to the Greenland Ice Core Chronology

    Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Clausen, H. B., Fischer, D. A., Koerner, R. M., Johnsen, S. J., Andersen, K. K., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder & Svensson, Anders, 2008, In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 113, D08115

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  68. Published

    Climatic signals in multiple highly resolved stable isotope records from Greenland

    Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Johnsen, S. J., D. Jones, P., Briffa, K. R., Clausen, H. B. & Andersen, K. K., 1 Feb 2010, In: Quaternary Science Reviews. 29, 3-4, p. 522-538 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  69. Published

    Holocene thinning of the Greenland ice sheet

    Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Buchardt, S. L., Clausen, H. B., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Johnsen, S. J., Andersen, K. K., Blunier, Thomas, Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Svensson, Anders, Fisher, D. A., Koerner, R. M., Raynaud, D. & Lipenkov, V., 2009, In: Nature. 461, 7262, p. 385-388 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  70. Published

    A synchronized dating of three Greenland ice cores throughout the Holocene

    Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Clausen, H. B., Johnsen, S. J., Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Andersen, K. K., Buchardt, S. L., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Seierstad, I. K., Siggaard-Andersen, Marie-Louise, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Svensson, Anders, Olsen, J. & Heinemeier, J., 4 Jul 2006, In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. 111, D13, p. D13102 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  71. Published

    Hvilket kosmisk fingeraftryk?

    Vinther, Bo Møllesøe & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 2008, In: Polarfronten. 3, p. 20 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debateResearch

  72. Accepted/In press

    The role of near-terminus conditions in the ice-flow speed of Upernavik Isstrøm in northwest Greenland

    Voss, K. M., Alley, K. E., Lilien, D. A. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 11 Dec 2023, (Accepted/In press) In: Annals of Glaciology. 1-15.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  73. Published

    The role of glacier geophysics in the GISP2 Ice Core Program

    Waddington, E. D., Morse, D., Alley, R. B., Anandakrishman, J., Bolzan, G., Clow, K., Cuffey, J. M., Cunningham, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Firestone, J., Gundestrup, N. S., Hodge, S., Hvidberg, Christine Schøtt, Jacobel, R., Nereson, N., Raymond, C. & Taylor, S., 1996, In: Arctic Research of the United States. 9, p. 10-19

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearch

  74. Published

    A vertical girdle fabric in the NorthGRIP deep ice core, North Greenland

    Wang, Y., Thorsteinsson, T., Kipfstuhl, J., Miller, H., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Shoji, H., 2002, In: Annals of Glaciology. 35, p. 515-520

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  75. Published

    Physical analysis of an Antarctic ice core-towards an integration of micro- and macrodynamics of polar ice

    Weikusat, I., Jansen, D., Binder, T., Eichler, J., Faria, S. H., Wilhelms, F., Kipfstuhl, S., Sheldon, S., Miller, H., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Kleiner, T., 26 Dec 2016, In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 375, 2086, 20150347.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  76. Published

    A stratigraphy-based method for reconstructing ice core orientation

    Westhoff, Julien, Stoll, N., Franke, S., Weikusat, I., Bons, P., Kerch, J., Jansen, D., Kipfstuhl, S. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 1 Sep 2021, In: Annals of Glaciology. 62, 85-86, p. 191-202 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  77. Published

    Melt in the Greenland EastGRIP ice core reveals Holocene warming events

    Westhoff, Julien, Sinnl, Giulia, Svensson, Anders, Freitag, J., Kjær, Helle Astrid, Vallelonga, P., Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Kipfstuhl, S., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Weikusat, I., 16 Jul 2021, 36 p. Copernicus/EGU.

    Research output: Other contributionResearch

  78. Published

    Melt in the Greenland EastGRIP ice core reveals Holocene warm events

    Westhoff, Julien, Sinnl, Giulia, Svensson, Anders, Freitag, J., Kjær, Helle Astrid, Vallelonga, P. T., Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Kipfstuhl, S., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Weikusat, I., 10 May 2022, In: Climate of the Past. 18, 5, p. 1011-1034 24 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  79. Published

    A stratigraphy-based method for reconstructing ice core orientation

    Westhoff, Julien, Stoll, N., Franke, S., Bons, P., Kerch, J., Jansen, D., Kipfstuhl, S. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 9 Nov 2020, In: Annals of Glaciology. 61, 81, p. 143-153 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  80. Published

    Ancient biomolecules from deep ice cores reveal a forested southern Greenland.

    Willerslev, E., Cappellini, E., Boomsma, W. K., Nielsen, R., Hebsgaard, M. B., Brand, T. B., Hofreiter, M., Bunce, M., Poinar, H. N., Dahl-Jensen, D., Johnsen, S. J., Steffensen, J. P., Bennike, O., Schwenninger, J-L., Nathan, R., Armitage, S., de Hoog, C-J., Alfimov, V., Christl, M., Beer, J. & 10 others, Muscheler, R., Barker, J., Sharp, M., Penkman, K. E. H., Haile, J., Taberlet, P., Gilbert, M Thomas P, Casoli, A., Campani, E. & Collins, M. J., 2007, In: Science. 317, 5834, p. 111-114 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  81. Published

    A 2700-year annual timescale and accumulation history for an ice core from Roosevelt Island, West Antarctica

    Winstrup, M., Vallelonga, P., Kjaer, H. A., Fudge, T. J., Lee, J. E., Riis, M. H., Edwards, R., Bertler, N. A. N., Blunier, T., Brook, E. J., Buizert, C., Ciobanu, G., Conway, H., Dahl-Jensen, D., Ellis, A., Emanuelsson, B. D., Hindmarsh, R. C. A., Keller, E. D., Kurbatov, A. V., Mayewski, P. A. & 7 others, Neff, P. D., Pyne, R. L., Simonsen, M. F., Svensson, Anders, Tuohy, A., Waddington, E. D. & Wheatley, S., 10 Apr 2019, In: Climate of the Past. 15, 2, p. 751-779 29 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  82. Published

    Multiangle, Frequency, and Polarization Radar Measurement of Ice Sheets

    Yan, J., Li, L., Nunn, J. A., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, O'Neill, C., Taylor, R. A., Simpson, C. D., Wattal, S., Steinhage, D., Gogineni, P., Miller, H. & Eisen, O., 2020, In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 13, p. 2070-2080 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  83. Published

    UHF Radar Sounding of Polar Ice Sheets

    Yan, J., Nunn, J. A., Gogineni, P., O'Neill, C., Simpson, C. D., Taylor, R. A., Steinhage, D., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Miller, H. & Eisen, O., 1 Jul 2020, In: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 17, 7, p. 1173-1177 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  84. Published

    Europe on fire three thousand years ago: Arson or climate?

    Zennaro, P., Kehrwald, N., Marlon, J., Ruddiman, W. F., Bruecher, T., Agostinelli, C., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Zangrando, R., Gambaro, A. & Barbante, C., 28 Jun 2015, In: Geophysical Research Letters (Online). 42, 12, p. 5023-5033

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

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