Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

Dorthe Dahl-Jensen


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Dahl-Jensen D* or Dahl Jensen D* or DahlJensen D*


  1. 2021
  2. Udgivet

    Effect of an orientation-dependent non-linear grain fluidity on bulk directional enhancement factors

    Rathmann, Nicholas Mossor, Hvidberg, Christine Schøtt, Grinsted, Aslak, Lilien, D. A. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 1 jun. 2021, I: Journal of Glaciology. 67, 263, s. 569-575 7 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    A 120,000-year long climate record from a NW-Greenland deep ice core at ultra-high resolution

    Gkinis, V., Vinther, B. M., Popp, T. J., Quistgaard, T., Faber, A-K., Holme, C. T., Jensen, C-M., Lanzky, M., Luett, A-M., Mandrakis, V., Orum, N-O., Pedersen, A-S., Vaxevani, N., Weng, Y., Capron, E., Dahl-Jensen, D., Hoerhold, M., Jones, T. R., Jouzel, J., Landais, A. & 9 flere, Masson-Delmotte, V., Oerter, H., Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Steen-Larsen, H. C., Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Sveinbjornsdottir, A., Svensson, Anders, Vaughn, B. & White, J. W. C., 26 maj 2021, I: Scientific Data. 8, 1, 9 s., 141.

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  4. Udgivet

    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis for Cleaning Ice Cores from Estisol(TM) 140 Drill Liquid

    Enrichi, F., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder & Barbante, C., 23 apr. 2021, I: Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 11, 9, 9 s., 3830.

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  5. Udgivet

    Brief communication: New radar constraints support presence of ice older than 1.5 Myr at Little Dome C

    Lilien, D. A., Steinhage, D., Taylor, D., Parrenin, F., Ritz, C., Mulvaney, R., Martin, C., Yan, J., O'Neill, C., Frezzotti, M., Miller, H., Gogineni, P., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe & Eisen, O., 19 apr. 2021, I: Cryosphere. 15, 4, s. 1881-1888 8 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    A multimillion-year-old record of Greenland vegetation and glacial history preserved in sediment beneath 1.4 km of ice at Camp Century

    Christ, A. J., Bierman, P. R., Schaefer, J. M., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Steffensen, Jørgen Peder, Corbett, L. B., Peteet, D. M., Thomas, E. K., Steig, E. J., Rittenour, T. M., Tison, J., Blard, P., Perdrial, N., Dethier, D. P., Lini, A., Hidy, A. J., Caffee, M. W. & Southon, J., 30 mar. 2021, I: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118, 13, 8 s., 2021442118.

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  7. Udgivet

    Variation in recent annual snow deposition and seasonality of snow chemistry at the east Greenland ice core project (EGRIP) camp, Greenland

    Nakazawa, F., Nagatsuka, N., Hirabayashi, M., Goto-Azuma, K., Steffensen, Jørgen Peder & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 1 mar. 2021, I: Polar Science. 27, 11 s., 100597.

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  8. Udgivet

    Temporal and spatial variabilities in surface mass balance at the EGRIP site, Greenland from 2009 to 2017

    Komuro, Y., Nakazawa, F., Hirabayashi, M., Goto-Azuma, K., Nagatsuka, N., Shigeyama, W., Matoba, S., Homma, T., Steffensen, Jørgen Peder & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, mar. 2021, I: Polar Science. 27, 7 s., 100568.

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  9. 2020
  10. Udgivet

    A stratigraphy-based method for reconstructing ice core orientation

    Westhoff, Julien, Stoll, N., Franke, S., Bons, P., Kerch, J., Jansen, D., Kipfstuhl, S. & Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, 9 nov. 2020, I: Annals of Glaciology. 61, 81, s. 143-153 12 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Surface velocity of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS): assessment of interior velocities derived from satellite data by GPS

    Hvidberg, Christine Schøtt, Grinsted, Aslak, Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Khan, S. A., Kusk, A., Andersen, Jonas Kvist, Neckel, N., Solgaard, Anne Munck, Karlsson, N. B., Kjær, Helle Astrid & Vallelonga, P., 22 okt. 2020, I: Cryosphere. 14, 10, s. 3487-3502 16 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    A first chronology for the East Greenland Ice-core Project (EGRIP) over the Holocene and last glacial termination

    Mojtabavi, S., Wilhelms, F., Cook, Eliza, Siwan M., D., Sinnl, Giulia, Skov Jensen, M., Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe, Svensson, Anders, Vinther, Bo Møllesøe, Kipfstuhl, S., Gwydion, J., Karlsson, N. B., Henrique Faria, S., Gkinis, Vasileios, Kjær, Helle Astrid, Erhardt, T., Berben, S. M. P., Nisancioglu, K. H., Koldtoft, Iben & Rasmussen, Sune Olander, 27 sep. 2020, I: Climate of the Past. 16, 6, s. 2359-2380 21 s.

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