Alexander Baklanov

Alexander Baklanov

Professor, Affiliate Professor

Integrated modeling for meteorological and chemical weather prediction; Megacities, air quality and climate interaction; Boundary layer meteorological processes; Microscale / urban meteorology and climatology; Atmospheric long-range transport and aerosol dynamics modelling; Environmental impact and risk assessments; Indoor climate, ventilation and air pollution modelling.
30 years of experience in developing and using numerical atmospheric dynamics and pollution models at different scales: from local- and meso- to regional and global scales.
During last years under A. Baklanov leadership novel and improved integrated modeling tools for prediction of air pollution in megacities were developed, impacts of megacities and large air-pollution hot-spots on local, regional and global air quality were assessed, and feedbacks among megacity air quality, local and regional climate, and global climate change were quantified (within MEGAPOLI). This included both basic and applied research, and bridged spatial and temporal scales connecting local emissions, air quality and weather with global atmospheric chemistry and climate.
Initiator and European coordinator of a new actively developing scientific direction of online integrated modelling of atmospheric chemical and physical processes with two-way interactions and feedbacks, considering the atmosphere as one joint interacting system.

ID: 194796337