Jens Hjorth

Jens Hjorth


Introductory remarks on publicationslist

> 300 refereed publications with > 20000 citations listed in the Astrophysics Data System
~20 scientific papers in Nature or Science
Most cited paper: J. Hjorth et al. Nature 423, 847–850 (2003): > 1000 citations
h-index (number of publications with more than h citations): 79

  1. Published

    Extensive multiband study of the X-ray rich GRB 050408 - A likely off-axis event with an intense energy injection

    de Ugarte Postigo, A., Fatkhullin, T. A., J'ohannesson, G., Gorosabel, J., Sokolov, V. V., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Balega, Y. Y., Spiridonova, O. I., Jelinek, M., Guziy, S., P'erez-Ramirez, D., Hjorth, J., Laursen, P., Bersier, D., Pandey, S. B., Bremer, M., Monfardini, A., Huang, K. Y., Urate, Y., Ip, W. H. & 23 others, Tamagawa, T., Kinoshita, D., Mizuno, T., Arai, Y., Yamagishi, H., Soyano, T., Usui, F., Tashiro, M., Abe, K., Onda, K., Aslan, Z., Khamitov, I., Ozisik, T., Kiziloglu, U., Bikmaev, I., Sakhibullin, N., Burenien, R., Pavlinsky, M., Sunyaev, R., Bhattacharya, D., Kamble, A. P., Ishwara Chandra, C. H. & Trushkin, S. A., 2007, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 462, 3, p. L57-L60 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

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