Jens Hjorth

Jens Hjorth


Introductory remarks on publicationslist

> 300 refereed publications with > 20000 citations listed in the Astrophysics Data System
~20 scientific papers in Nature or Science
Most cited paper: J. Hjorth et al. Nature 423, 847–850 (2003): > 1000 citations
h-index (number of publications with more than h citations): 79

  1. 2024
  2. Published

    JWST Photometric Time-delay and Magnification Measurements for the Triply Imaged Type Ia “SN H0pe” at z = 1.78

    Pierel, J. D. R., Frye, B. L., Pascale, M., Caminha, G. B., Chen, W., Dhawan, S., Gilman, D., Grayling, M., Huber, S., Kelly, P., Thorp, S., Arendse, N., Birrer, S., Bronikowski, M., Cañameras, R., Coe, D., Cohen, S. H., Conselice, C. J., Driver, S. P., Dśilva, J. C. J. & 43 others, Engesser, M., Foo, N., Gall, C., Garuda, N., Grillo, C., Grogin, N. A., Henderson, J., Hjorth, Jens, Jansen, R. A., Johansson, J., Kamieneski, P. S., Koekemoer, A. M., Larison, C., Marshall, M. A., Moustakas, L. A., Nonino, M., Ortiz, R., Petrushevska, T., Pirzkal, N., Robotham, A., Ryan, R. E., Schuldt, S., Strolger, L. G., Summers, J., Suyu, S. H., Treu, T., Willmer, C. N. A., Windhorst, R. A., Yan, H., Zitrin, A., Acebron, A., Chakrabarti, S., Coulter, D. A., Fox, O. D., Huang, X., Jha, S. W., Li, G., Mazzali, P. A., Meena, A. K., Pérez-fournon, I., Poidevin, F., Rest, A. & Riess, A. G., 1 May 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal. 967, 1, 14 p., 50.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Lensed Type Ia Supernova “Encore” at z = 2: The First Instance of Two Multiply Imaged Supernovae in the Same Host Galaxy

    Pierel, J. D. R., Newman, A. B., Dhawan, S., Gu, M., Joshi, B. A., Li, T., Schuldt, S., Strolger, L. G., Suyu, S. H., Caminha, G. B., Cohen, S. H., Diego, J. M., Dśilva, J. C. J., Ertl, S., Frye, B. L., Granata, G., Grillo, C., Koekemoer, A. M., Li, J., Robotham, A. & 43 others, Summers, J., Treu, T., Windhorst, R. A., Zitrin, A., Agarwal, S., Agrawal, A., Arendse, N., Belli, S., Burns, C., Cañameras, R., Chakrabarti, S., Chen, W., Collett, T. E., Coulter, D. A., Ellis, R. S., Engesser, M., Foo, N., Fox, O. D., Gall, C., Garuda, N., Gezari, S., Gomez, S., Glazebrook, K., Hjorth, Jens, Huang, X., Jha, S. W., Kamieneski, P. S., Kelly, P., Larison, C., Moustakas, L. A., Pascale, M., Pérez-fournon, I., Petrushevska, T., Poidevin, F., Rest, A., Shahbandeh, M., Shajib, A. J., Siebert, M., Storfer, C., Talbot, M., Wang, Q., Wevers, T. & Zenati, Y., 29 May 2024, In: Astrophysics Journal Letters. 967, 2, 9 p., L37.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    A NIRCam-dark Galaxy Detected with the MIRI/F1000W Filter in the MIDIS/JADES Hubble Ultra Deep Field

    Pérez-gonzález, P. G., Rinaldi, P., Caputi, K. I., Álvarez-márquez, J., Annunziatella, M., Langeroodi, D., Moutard, T., Boogaard, L., Iani, E., Melinder, J., Costantin, L., Östlin, G., Colina, L., Greve, T. R., Wright, G., Alonso-herrero, A., Bik, A., Bosman, S. E. I., Crespo Gómez, A., Dicken, D. & 15 others, Eckart, A., García-marín, M., Gillman, S., Güdel, M., Henning, T., Hjorth, Jens, Jermann, I., Labiano, Á., Meyer, R. A., Peiβker, F., Pye, J. P., Ray, T. P., Tikkanen, T., Walter, F. & Van Der Werf, P. P., 24 Jun 2024, In: Astrophysics Journal Letters. 969, 1, 12 p., L10.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    MIDIS: Unveiling the Role of Strong Hα Emitters During the Epoch of Reionization with JWST

    Rinaldi, P., Caputi, K. I., Iani, E., Costantin, L., Gillman, S., Perez Gonzalez, P. G., Östlin, G., Colina, L., Greve, T. R., Nørgard-nielsen, H. U., Wright, G. S., Álvarez-márquez, J., Eckart, A., García-marín, M., Hjorth, J., Ilbert, O., Kendrew, S., Labiano, A., Le Fèvre, O., Pye, J. & 24 others, Tikkanen, T., Walter, F., Van Der Werf, P., Ward, M., Annunziatella, M., Azzollini, R., Bik, A., Boogaard, L., Bosman, S. E. I., Crespo Gómez, A., Jermann, I., Langeroodi, D., Melinder, J., Meyer, R. A., Moutard, T., Peissker, F., Van Dishoeck, E., Güdel, M., Henning, T., Lagage, P., Ray, T., Vandenbussche, B., Waelkens, C. & Dayal, P., 1 Jul 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal. 969, 1, 15 p., 12.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Binary progenitor systems for Type Ic supernovae

    Solar, M., Michałowski, M. J., Nadolny, J., Galbany, L., Hjorth, J., Zapartas, E., Sollerman, J., Hunt, L., Klose, S., Koprowski, M., Leśniewska, A., Małkowski, M., Nicuesa Guelbenzu, A. M., Ryzhov, O., Savaglio, S., Schady, P., Schulze, S., De Ugarte Postigo, A., Vergani, S. D., Watson, D. & 1 others, Wróblewski, R., 3 Sep 2024, In: Nature Communications. 15, 1, 9 p., 7667.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Consistent extinction model for type Ia supernovae in Cepheid-based calibration galaxies and its impact on H0

    Wojtak, Radoslaw Jan & Hjorth, Jens, 17 Aug 2024, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 533, 2, p. 2319-2334 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    Spatially resolved Hα and ionizing photon production efficiency in the lensed galaxy MACS1149-JD1 at a redshift of 9.11

    Álvarez-márquez, J., Colina, L., Crespo Gómez, A., Rinaldi, P., Melinder, J., Östlin, G., Annunziatella, M., Labiano, A., Bik, A., Bosman, S., Greve, T. R., Wright, G., Alonso-herrero, A., Boogaard, L., Azollini, R., Caputi, K. I., Costantin, L., Eckart, A., García-marín, M., Gillman, S. & 15 others, Hjorth, Jens, Iani, E., Ilbert, O., Jermann, I., Langeroodi, D., Meyer, R., Peißker, F., Pérez-gonzález, P., Pye, J. P., Tikkanen, T., Topinka, M., Van Der Werf, P., Walter, F., Henning, T. & Ray, T., 31 May 2024, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 686, 11 p., A85.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

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