Markus Jochum

Markus Jochum




History of Physical Oceanography

since 2012: Professor at NBI, Copenhagen 

2005-2011: Scientist I-III at NCAR 

2003: Research Scientist at MIT

2002: Postdoc at MIT 



Rossby Award for best thesis in 2002

2002, PhD in Physical Oceanography, MIT 

1997, MSc in Physical Oceanography, IfM Kiel

1993, BSc in Physics, University of Saarbruecken

Community Service:

Member of CLIVAR process study and model improvement panel (since 2012) 
Member of CLIVAR of ocean biogeochemistry working group (since 2012) 
Member of NASA SST panel (since 2010) 
Member of CLIVAR Pacific Implementation panel (2009-2012) 
Coordinator of SUNNY (since 2008) 
Adjunct Assistant Professor, ESSIC, UMD (since 2007) 
Co-organizer of the AMMA/TACE/PIRATA workshop (Karlsruhe, 2007) 
Visiting scientist at IPRC (Honolulu, spring 2007) 
Chair of the CLIVAR-TACE modelling working group (2006-2009) 
Convener at Ocean Sciences (2006) 
Panel Member for NOAA proposal review (2005) 
Award for Excellence in Reviewing (GRL, 2005) 
Associate Editor for Journal of Geophysical Research (since 2003) 
Developing and teaching of a graduate level class in
Equatorial Oceanography (with P. Malanotte-Rizzoli) 

Co-Advisor to seven graduate students (D. Urbano, USP 2005; 
A. Verdy, MIT 2007; H. Seo, UCSD 2008; L. Zhou, UMD 2009; 
J. Wang, MIT 2011; S. Stevenson, CU 2011; and 
A. Subramanian, UCSD 2012)


Field Work: 

Observational Campaigns in 
Gulf of Mexico (2001, PI: J. Vermersh) 
Equatorial West Atlantic (2000, PI: D. Fratantoni)
Agulhas Retroflection (1997, PI: O. Boebel)
Weddell Gyre (1996, PI: E. Fahrbach)
Equatorial West Atlantic (1994, PI: F. Schott)

ID: 40096924