Metal-nanoparticle single-electron transistors fabricated using electromigration

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We have fabricated single-electron transistors from individual metal nanoparticles using a geometry that provides improved coupling between the particle and the gate electrode. This is accomplished by incorporating a nanoparticle into a gap created between two electrodes using electromigration, all on top of an oxidized aluminum gate. We achieve sufficient gate coupling to access more than ten charge states of individual gold nanoparticles (5–15 nm in diameter). The devices are sufficiently stable to permit spectroscopic studies of the electron-in-a-box level spectra within the nanoparticle as its charge state is varied.
Original languageEnglish
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number16
Pages (from-to)3154-3156
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2004

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