Simultaneous Operations in a Two-Dimensional Array of Singlet-Triplet Qubits

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In many physical approaches to quantum computation, error-correction schemes assume the ability to form two-dimensional qubit arrays with nearest-neighbor couplings and parallel operations at multiple qubit sites. While semiconductor spin qubits exhibit long coherence times relative to their operation speed and single-qubit fidelities above error correction thresholds, multiqubit operations in two-dimensional arrays have been limited by fabrication, operation, and readout challenges. We present a two-by-two array of four singlet-triplet qubits in gallium arsenide and show simultaneous coherent operations and four-qubit measurements via exchange oscillations and frequency-multiplexed single-shot measurements. A larger multielectron quantum dot is fabricated in the center of the array as a tunable interqubit link, which we utilize to demonstrate coherent spin exchange with selected qubits. Our techniques are extensible to other materials, indicating a path towards quantum processors with gate-controlled spin qubits.

Original languageEnglish
Article number040306
JournalPRX Quantum
Issue number4
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 8 Oct 2021

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ID: 282529745