Andreas Haahr Larsen Analytical tools for structure determination of protein complexes with small-angle scattering…
Thorvald Wadum Larsen Mesoscopic Superconductivity towards Protected Qubits Supervisor: Charles Marcus
Anton Kovyakh X-ray Pair Distribution Function Analysis of Transition and Noble Metals for Industrial Application…
Dainius Jakubauskas Structural Investigation of Photosynthetic Membranes Using Small-Angle Scattering Academic advisor:…
Filip Krížek Semiconductor nanowire networks grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Vapor-Liquid-Solid and Selective…
Carlos Reyes The crustal and sedimentary structure of the Amundsen Basin, Arctic Ocean, derived from seismic
Torsten Lauridsen New Methods in X-ray Imaging Academic advisors: Robert Feidenhans’l and Kell Mortensen
Andreas Barg Optomechanics with soft-clamped silicon nitride membranes and carrier-mediated forces in coupled…
Carlos Francisco Castro Soto Reyes The crustal and sedimentary structure of the Amundsen Basin, Arctic Ocean, derived from seismic…
Diana Vladimirova High-resolution methane record of the RECAP ice core (Eastern Greenland) over the last climatic…
Mads Bruun Poulsen Parameterizing Southern Ocean eddy-induced circulation in coarse resolution ocean models
Simone Juul Jakobsen Modelling and Correction of an Artifact in the Mars Exploration Rover Panoramic Camera
Nicholas Mossor Rathmann Nonlinear fluid dynamics - Studies on the dynamics of ice sheet deformation and the turbulent energ…
Katarina Gajdosova Investigations on collectivity in small and large collision systems at the LHC with ALIC
Gopakumar Mohandas On the dynamics of dust, magnetohydrodynamics of disks, and atmospheric radiation of planets
Milena Bajic A search for lepton-flavor-violating decays of the Z boson into a τ-lepton and a light lepton with…
Christian Bourjau Factorization of two-particle distributions measured in Pb-Pb collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV with the…
Jens Juel Jensen Supermassive Black Holes in Active Galaxies On measuring their mass and influence on circumnuclear…
Andrius Popovas Planet formation. The roles of pebble accretion, radiative and convective energy transport
Jose Enedilton Medeiros Pereira Hydrogen Bond Dynamics in Bioactive Molecules by Neutron Scattering and Density Functional Theory…