[BEST OF] Quantum computing in a waterdrop
Professor Charles Marcus from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen is one of the leading researchers who have made major contributions to the development of quantum computers.

Researchers all over the world have tried for more than 25 years to make a new type of computer that can solve much more complex problems than traditional computers are capable of.
Professor Charles Marcus from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen is one of the leading researchers who have made major contributions to the development of quantum computers. He is giving a profound understanding about what quantum computing is and why it may, or may not be difficult to grasp.
He is interviewed about the state of the art of quantum computing by Science Journalist Jens Degett from Science Stories.
The interview was made in connection with the first Quantum Computing Applications in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Workshop organized by the Danish Technical University (DTU) Department of Chemical Engineering, Knowledge Hub Zealand and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).
Hør podcasten her: https://soundcloud.com/science_stories/best-of-quantum-computing-in-a-waterdrop-1

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Jens Degett, © Science Stories ApS