Mogens Høgh Jensen

Mogens Høgh Jensen


  1. Udgivet

    Bursts and Shocks in a Continuum Shell Model

    Andersen, K. H., Bohr, T., Jensen, Mogens Høgh & Olesen, P., 1998, I: Jour. de Physique IV 8. PR6, s. 121-131

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  2. Udgivet

    Thermodynanics of Proteins: Fast Folders and Sharp Transitions

    Bak, P., Sneppen, Kim & Jensen, Mogens Høgh, 2002, I: Computer Physics Communications. vol. 147, s. 307-312

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  3. Udgivet

    Thermodynamics of proteins: Fast folders and sharp transitions

    Bakk, A., Dommersnes, P. G., Hansen, A., Høye, J. S., Sneppen, Kim & Jensen, Mogens Høgh, 1 jan. 2002, I: Computer Physics Communications. 147, 1-2, s. 307-312 6 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Dynamics of the DNA repair proteins WRN and BLM in the nucleoplasm and nucleoli

    Bendtsen, K. M., Jensen, M. B., May, A., Rasmussen, Lene Juel, Trusina, Ala, Bohr, Vilhelm & Jensen, Mogens Høgh, 14 nov. 2014, I: European Biophysics Journal. 43, 10-11, s. 509-516

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  5. Udgivet

    The role of mRNA and protein stability in the function of coupled positive and negative feedback systems in eukaryotic cells

    Bendtsen, K. M., Jensen, Mogens Høgh, Krishna, S. & Semsey, S., 14 sep. 2015, I: Scientific Reports. 5, 13910.

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  6. Udgivet

    Population dynamics in compressible flows

    Benzi, R., Jensen, Mogens Høgh, Nelson, D. R., Perlekar, P., Pigolotti, S. & Toschi, F., 17 apr. 2012, I: European Physical Journal. Special Topics. 204, 1, s. 57-74

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  7. Udgivet

    Statistical Properties of Turbulent Dynamical Systems

    Bohr, T., Jensen, Mogens Høgh & Rolf, J., 1999, I: Physica A. Vol. 263, s. 155

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  8. Udgivet

    Pulses in the Zero-Spacing Limit of the GOY Model

    Bohr, T., Jensen, Mogens Høgh & Olesen, P., 2000, I: D138. Physica, s. 44-62

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  9. Udgivet

    Dynamical Systems Approach to Turbulence

    Bohr, T., Jensen, Mogens Høgh, Paladin, G. & Vulpiani, A., 1998

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  10. Udgivet

    Diffusion, fragmentation and merging processes in ice crystals, alpha helices and other systems

    Borg, J., Jensen, Mogens Høgh, Olesen, P. & Mathiesen, J. K., 2005, Nato Science series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry: Dynamics of complex interconnected systems: Networks and Bioprocesses. Holland, Bind 232. s. 61-70

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