Johan Peter Uldall Fynbo

Johan Peter Uldall Fynbo


  1. Udgivet

    The optical afterglow and host galaxy of GRB 000926

    Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Gorosabel, J., Møller, P., Hjorth, Jens, Andersen, M. I., Egholm, M. P., Jensen, B. L., Pedersen, H., Thomsen, B. & Weidinger, M., 2002, Lighthouses of the Universe: The most luminous celestrial objects and their use for cosmology. Proceedings of the MPA/ESO joint astronomy conference. s. 187-190

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  2. Udgivet

    The optical afterglow of GRB-020305

    Gorosabel, J., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall & Hjorth, Jens, 2004, AIP Conference Proceedings. 1 udg. American Institute of Physics, Bind 727. s. 537-540

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

  3. Udgivet

    The optical afterglow of the short gamma-ray burst GRB 050709

    Hjorth, Jens, Watson, Darach Jafar, Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Price, P. A., Jensen, B. L., Jørgensen, Uffe Gråe, Kubas, D., Groosabel, J., Jakobsson, P., Sollerman, J., Pedersen, K. & Kouveliotou, C., 2005, I: Nature. 437, 7060, s. 859-861

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  4. Udgivet

    The optical afterglow of the short gamma-ray burst associated with GW170817

    Lyman, J. D., Lamb, G. P., Levan, A. J., Mandel, I., Tanvir, N. R., Kobayashi, S., Gompertz, B., Hjorth, J., Fruchter, A. S., Kangas, T., Steeghs, D., Steele, I. A., Cano, Z., Copperwheat, C., Evans, P. A., Fynbo, J. P. U., Gall, C., Im, M., Izzo, L., Jakobsson, P. & 16 flere, Milvang-Jensen, B., O'Brien, P., Osborne, J. P., Palazzi, E., Perley, D. A., Pian, E., Rosswog, S., Rowlinson, A., Schulze, S., Stanway, E. R., Sutton, P., Thone, C. C., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Watson, Darach Jafar, Wiersema, K. & Wijers, R. A. M. J., 1 sep. 2018, I: Nature Astronomy. 2, 9, s. 751-754 5 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    The optical identification of events with poorly defined locations: the case of the Fermi GBM GRB 140801A

    Lipunov, V. M., Gorosable, J., Pruzhinskaya, M. V., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Pelassa, V., Tsvethova, A. E., Solokov, I. V., Kann, D. A., Xu, D., Gorbovskoy, E. S., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Thöne, C. C. & Sparre, M., 2 jan. 2016, I: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 455, 1, s. 712-724

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  6. Udgivet

    The optical/NIR afterglow of GRB 111209A: Complex yet not unprecedented

    Kann, D. A., Schady, P., Olivares, E. F., Klose, S., Rossi, A., Perley, D. A., Zhang, B., Kruehler, T., Greiner, J., Guelbenzu, A. N., Elliott, J., Knust, F., Cano, Z., Filgas, R., Pian, E., Mazzali, P., Fynbo, J. P. U., Leloudas, G., Afonso, P. M. J., Delvaux, C. & 7 flere, Graham, J. F., Rau, A., Schmidl, S., Schulze, S., Tanga, M., Updike, A. C. & Varela, K., 1 sep. 2018, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 617, 22 s., A122.

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  7. Udgivet

    The optically unbiased GRB host (TOUGH) survey. I. Survey design and catalogs

    Hjorth, Jens, Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Krühler, T. C., Milvang-Jensen, B., Michalowski, M., Watson, Darach Jafar & Jakobsson..[et al.], P., 10 sep. 2012, I: Astrophysical Journal. 756, 2, s. 187

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  8. Udgivet

    The optically unbiased GRB host (TOUGH) survey. III. Redshift distribution

    Jakobsson, P., Hjorth, Jens, Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Chapman, R., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Tanvir, N. R., Milvang-Jensen, B., Vreeswijk, P. M., Letawe, G. & Starling, L. C., 10 jun. 2012, I: Astrophysical Journal. 752, 1, s. 62

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  9. Udgivet

    The optically unbiased GRB host (TOUGH) survey. V. VLT/X-shooter emission-line redshifts for Swift GRBs at z~2

    Krühler, T. C., Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Milvang-Jensen, B., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Hjorth, Jens, Sparre, M. & Watson, Darach Jafar, 2012, I: Astrophysical Journal. 758, 1, s. 46

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  10. Udgivet

    The optically unbiased GRB host (TOUGH) survey. VI. Radio observations at z < 1 and consistency with typical star-forming galaxies

    Michalowski...[et al.], M., Hjorth, Jens, Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Castro Cerón, J. M., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Sollerman, J. O. & Watson, Darach Jafar, 2012, I: Astrophysical Journal. 755, 2, s. 85

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  11. Udgivet

    The properties of He & x202f;II lambda 1640 emitters at z & x2004;similar to & x2004;& x2006;2.5-5 from the VANDELS survey

    Saxena, A., Pentericci, L., Mirabelli, M., Schaerer, D., Schneider, R., Cullen, F., Amorin, R., Bolzonella, M., Bongiorno, A., Carnall, A. C., Castellano, M., Cucciati, O., Fontana, A., Fynbo, J. P. U., Garilli, B., Gargiulo, A., Guaita, L., Hathi, N. P., Hutchison, T. A., Marchi, F. & 7 flere, McLeod, D. J., McLure, R. J., Papovich, C., Pozzetti, L., Talia, M., Zamorani, G. & Koekemoer, A. M., 15 apr. 2020, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 636, 20 s., A47.

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  12. Udgivet

    The properties of SN Ib/c locations

    Leloudas, G., Gallazzi, A. R., Sollerman, J. O., Stritzinger, M. D., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Hjorth, Jens, Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Michalowski, M., Milvang-Jensen, B. & Smith, M., 18 maj 2011, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 530, s. A95

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  13. Udgivet

    The properties of the 2175 angstrom extinction feature discovered in GRB afterglows

    Zafar, T., Watson, Darach Jafar, Elíasdóttir, Á., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Krühler, T. C., Schady, P., Leloudas, G., Jakobsson, P., Thöne, C., Perley, D. A., Bloom, J. & Greiner, J., 1 jul. 2012, I: Astrophysical Journal. 753, 1, s. 82

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  14. Udgivet

    The properties of the host galaxy and the immediate environment of GRB 980425 / SN 1998bw from the multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution

    Michalowski, M., Hjorth, Jens, Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Michalowski, T., María Castro Cerón, J., Reinfrank, R. F., Garrett, M. A., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Watson, Darach Jafar & Jørgensen, Uffe Gråe, 2009, I: Astrophysical Journal. 693, 1, s. 347-354

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  15. Udgivet

    The radio afterglow and host galaxy of the dark GRB 020819

    Jakobsson...[et al.], P., Frail, D. A., Fox, D., Moon, D. S., Price, P. A., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall & Hjorth, Jens, 2005, I: Astrophysical Journal. 629, 1, s. 45-51

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  16. Udgivet

    The reanalysis of spectra of GRB 080913 to estimate the neutral fraction of the IGM at a redshift of 6.7

    Patel, M., Warren, S. J., Mortlock, D. J. & Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, 19 mar. 2010, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 512, s. L3 4 s.

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  17. Udgivet

    The red optical afterglow of GRB 030725

    Pugliese, G., Møller, P., Gorosabel, J., Jensen, B. L., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Hjorth, Jens, Jørgensen, S. F., Monrad, B. & Vinter, C., 2005, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 439, 2, s. 527-532

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  18. Udgivet

    The redshift distribution of the TOUGH survey

    Jakobsson, P., Hjorth, Jens, Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Tanvir, N. R., Milvang-Jensen, B. & Krühler, T., 11 nov. 2013, Gamma-ray Bursts: 5 Years of GRB Afterglows – Progenitors, Environments and Host Galaxies from the Nearby to the Early Universe,. Castro-Tirado, A. J., Gorosabel, J. & Park, I. H. (red.). Cambridge University Press, s. 397-401 5 s. (EAS Publications Series, Bind 61).

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  19. Udgivet

    The second-closest gamma-ray burst: sub-luminous GRB 111005A with no supernova in a super-solar metallicity environment

    Michalowski, M. J., Xu, D., Stevens, J., Levan, A., Yang, J., Paragi, Z., Kamble, A., Tsai, A., Dannerbauer, H., van der Horst, A. J., Shao, L., Crosby, D., Gentile, G., Stanway, E., Wiersema, K., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Tanvir, N. R., Kamphuis, P., Garrett, M. & Bartczak, P., 11 sep. 2018, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 616, 15 s., A169.

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  20. Udgivet

    The shallow-decay phase in both optical and x-ray afterglows of Swift GRB 090529A: Energy injection into a wind-type medium?

    Xin, L. P., Pozanenko, A., Kann, D. A., Gorosabel, J., Xu, D., Leloudas, G., Ugarte Postigo, A. D., Wei, J. Y., Andreev, M., Qin, S. F., Ibrahimov, M., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall & Qiu, Y. L., 1 maj 2012, I: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 422, 3, s. 2044-2050

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  21. Udgivet

    The soft X-ray blast in the apparently subluminous GRB 031203

    Watson, Darach Jafar, Vaughan, S. A., Willingale, R., Hjorth, Jens, Foley, S., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Jakobsson, P., Levan, A., O'Brian, P. T., Osborne, J. P., Pedersen, K., Reeves, J. N., Tedds, J. A. & Watson, M. G., 2006, I: Astrophysical Journal. 636, 2, s. 967-970

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  22. Udgivet

    The spectral lag of GRB 060505: A likely member of the long-duration class

    McBreen, S., Foley, S., Watson, Darach Jafar, Hanlon, L., Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Kann, D. A., Gehrels, N., McGlynn, S. & Palmer, D., 2008, I: Astrophysical Journal. 677, 2, s. L85-L88 3 s.

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  23. Udgivet

    The supernova 2003 1w associated with X-ray flash 031203

    Jakobsson, P., Thomsen, B., Hjorth, Jens, Watson, Darach Jafar, Gorosabel, J., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Jensen, B. L., Andersen, M. I., Dall, T. H., Rasmussen, J. R., Bruntt, H., Laurikainen, E., Augusteijn, T., Pursimo, T., Germany, L. & Pedersen, K., 2004, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 419, s. L21-L25

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  24. Udgivet

    The supernova 2003lw associated with X-ray flash 031203

    Thomsen, B., Hjorth, Jens, Watson, Darach Jafar, Gorosabel, J., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Jensen, B. L., Andersen, Michael Ingemann, Dall, T. H., Rasmussen, J. R., Bruntt, H., Laurikainen, E., Augusteijn, T., Pursimo, T., Germany, L., Jakobsson, P. & Pedersen, K., 1 maj 2004, I: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 419, 2, s. L21-L25

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  25. Udgivet

    The supernova of the MAGIC gamma-ray burst GRB190114C

    Melandri, A., Izzo, L., Pian, E., Malesani, D. B., Della Valle, M., Rossi, A., D'Avanzo, P., Guetta, D., Mazzali, P. A., Benetti, S., Masetti, N., Palazzi, E., Savaglio, S., Amati, L., Antonelli, L. A., Ashall, C., Bernardini, M. G., Campana, S., Carini, R., Covino, S. & 25 flere, D'Elia, V., de Ugarte Postigo, A., De Pasquale, M., Filippenko, A., Fruchter, A. S., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Giunta, A., Hartmann, D. H., Jakobsson, P., Japelj, J., Jonker, P. G., Kann, D. A., Lamb, G. P., Levan, A. J., Martin-Carrillo, A., Moller, P., Piranomonte, S., Pugliese, G., Salvaterra, R., Schulze, S., Starling, R. L. C., Stella, L., Tagliaferri, G., Tanvir, N. & Watson, Darach Jafar, 1 mar. 2022, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 659, 9 s., 39.

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