Jens Hjorth

Jens Hjorth


Kommentarer til publikationsliste

> 300 refereed publications with > 20000 citations listed in the Astrophysics Data System
~20 scientific papers in Nature or Science
Most cited paper: J. Hjorth et al. Nature 423, 847–850 (2003): > 1000 citations
h-index (number of publications with more than h citations): 79

  1. 2010
  2. Udgivet

    The Afterglows of Swift-era Gamma-ray Bursts. I. Comparing pre-Swift and Swift-era Long/Soft (Type II) GRB Optical Afterglows

    Kann...[et al.], D. A., Klose, S., Zhang, B., Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Castro Cerón, J. M., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Hjorth, Jens, Laursen, Peter, Sollerman, J. O. & Watson, Darach Jafar, 10 sep. 2010, I: Astrophysical Journal. 720, 2, s. 1513-1558 5 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

  3. Udgivet

    Cosmic evolution of submillimeter galaxies and their contribution to stellar mass assembly

    Michalowski, M., Hjorth, Jens & Watson, Darach Jafar, 28 maj 2010, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 514, s. A67 51 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Dust grain growth in the interstellar medium of 5 < z < 6.5 quasars

    Michalowski, M., Murphy, E., Hjorth, Jens, Watson, Darach Jafar, Gall, C. & Dunlop, J. S., 27 okt. 2010, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 522, A15, 5 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Rapid Dust Production in Submillimeter Galaxies at z > 4?

    Michalowski, M., Watson, Darach Jafar & Hjorth, Jens, 1 apr. 2010, I: Astrophysical Journal. 712, 2, s. 942-950 8 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    The Hubble Constant Inferred from 18 Time-delay Lenses

    Paraficz, D. & Hjorth, Jens, 1 apr. 2010, I: Astrophysical Journal. 712, 2, s. 1378-1384 6 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Discovery of the afterglow and host galaxy of the low-redshift short GRB 080905A

    Rowlinson...[et al.], A., Wiersema, K., Levan, A. J., Hjorth, Jens, Thöne, C. & Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, 11 okt. 2010, I: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 408, 1, s. 383-391 8 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    The unusual X-ray emission of the short Swift GRB 090515: evidence for the formation of a magnetar?

    Rowlinson...[et al.], A., O'Brien, P. T., Tanvir, N. R. & Hjorth, Jens, 5 okt. 2010, I: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 409, 2, s. 531-540 9 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Late-time observations of GRB 080319B: jet break, host galaxy, and accompanying supernova

    Tanvir..[et al.], N. R., Rol, E., Levan, A. J., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall & Hjorth, Jens, 19 nov. 2010, I: Astrophysical Journal. 725, 1, s. 625-632 7 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Photometry and spectroscopy of GRB 060526: a detailed study of the afterglow and host galaxy of a z=3.2 gamma-ray burst

    Thöne, C., Kann, D. A., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Hjorth, Jens, Jørgensen, Uffe Gråe, Malesani, Daniele Bjørn & Vreeswijk, P. M., 17 jul. 2010, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 523, A70, 21 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Statistical mechanics of collisionless orbits. II. structure of halos

    Williams, L. L. R. & Hjorth, Jens, 1 okt. 2010, I: Astrophysical Journal. 722, 1, s. 856-861 5 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    Statistical mechanics of collisionless orbits. III. comparison with N-body simulations

    Williams, L. L. R., Wojtak, R. & Hjorth, Jens, 17 nov. 2010, I: Astrophysical Journal. 725, 1, s. 282-287 5 s.

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  13. Udgivet

    No evidence for dust extinction in GRB 050904 at z similar to 6.3

    Zafar, T., Watson, Darach Jafar, Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Vreeswijk, P. M., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Hjorth, Jens, Levan, A. J. & Michalowski, M., 15 jun. 2010, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 515, s. A94 6 s.

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  14. Udgivet

    GRB 090313: X-shooter's first shot at a gamma-ray burst

    de Ugarte Postigo...[et al.}, A., Goldoni, P., Thöne, C., Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Hjorth, Jens, Rasmussen, Per Kjærgaard & Andersen, M., 22 apr. 2010, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 513, s. A42 7 s.

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  15. 2009
  16. Udgivet

    Dust extinction in high-z galaxies with gamma-ray burst afterglow spectroscopy: the 2175 Å feature at z = 2.45

    Elíasdóttir, Á., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Hjorth, Jens, Ledoux, C., Watson, Darach Jafar, Andersen, A. C., Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Vreeswijk, P. M., Prochaska, J. X., Sollerman, J. & Jaunsen, A. O., 2009, I: Astrophysical Journal. 697, 2, s. 1725-1740 15 s.

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  17. Udgivet

    GRB 060605: multi-wavelength analysis of the first GRB observed using integral field spectroscopy

    Ferrero..[et al.], P., Hjorth, Jens & Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, 2009, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 497, 3, s. 729-741

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  18. Udgivet

    Low-resolution spectroscopy of gamma-ray burst optical afterglows: biases in the swift sample and characterization of the absorbers

    Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Jakobsson, P., Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Vreeswijk, P. M., Hjorth, Jens, Sollerman, J. O., Jensen, B. L., Milvang-Jensen, B., Watson, Darach Jafar & Xu, D., 2009, I: Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 185, 2, s. 526-573 47 s.

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  19. Udgivet

    A search for disk-galaxy lenses in the sloan digital sky survey

    Féron, C., Hjorth, Jens, McKean, J. P. & Samsing, J., 2009, I: Astrophysical Journal. 696, 2, s. 1319-1338

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  20. Udgivet

    GRB 080913 at redshift 6.7

    Greiner, J., Krühler, T., Fynbo, J. P. U., Rossi, A., Schwarz, R., Klose, S., Savaglio, S., Tanvir, N. R., McBreen, S., Totani, T., Zhang, B. B., Wu, X. F., Watson, D., Barthelmy, S. D., Beardmore, A. P., Ferrero, P., Gehrels, N., Kann, D. A., Kawai, N., Yoldas, A. K. & 27 flere, Mészáros, P., Milvang-Jensen, B., Oates, S. R., Pierini, D., Schady, P., Toma, K., Vreeswijk, P. M., Yoldas, A., Zhang, B., Afonso, P., Aoki, K., Burrows, D. N., Clemens, C., Filgas, R., Haiman, Z., Hartmann, D. H., Hasinger, G., Hjorth, Jens, Jehin, E., Levan, A. J., Liang, E. W., Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Pyo, T., Schulze, S., Szokoly, G., Terada, K. & Wiersema, K., 2009, I: Astrophysical Journal. 693, 2, s. 1610-1620 10 s.

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  21. Udgivet

    Mørkt stof - vi ved så meget og dog så lidt

    Hansen, Steen Harle, Pedersen, K., Sollerman, J. O., Andersen, Anja C., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Hjorth, Jens, Toft, Sune & Watson, Darach Jafar, 2009, I: Kvant. 2, s. 14-17 3 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelFormidling

  22. Udgivet

    Early spectroscopic identification of SN 2008D

    Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Hjorth, Jens, Leloudas, G., Vreeswijk, P. M., Watson, Darach Jafar, Thöne, C., Milvang-Jensen, B. & Sollerman, J. O., 2009, I: Astrophysical Journal. 692, 2, s. L84-L87 4 s.

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  23. Udgivet

    The properties of the host galaxy and the immediate environment of GRB 980425 / SN 1998bw from the multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution

    Michalowski, M., Hjorth, Jens, Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Michalowski, T., María Castro Cerón, J., Reinfrank, R. F., Garrett, M. A., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Watson, Darach Jafar & Jørgensen, Uffe Gråe, 2009, I: Astrophysical Journal. 693, 1, s. 347-354

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  24. Udgivet

    Results of optical monitoring of 5 SDSS double QSOs with the Nordic Optical Telescope

    Paraficz, D., Hjorth, Jens & Elíasdóttir, Á., 2009, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 499, 2, s. 395-408 13 s.

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  25. Udgivet

    Gravitational lenses as cosmic rules: omega(m), omega(lambda) from time delays and velocity dispersions

    Paraficz, D. & Hjorth, Jens, 2009, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 507, 3, s. L49-L52 3 s.

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  26. Udgivet

    A gamma-ray burst at a redshift of z approximate to 8.2

    Tanvir, N. R., Fox, D. B., Levan, A. J., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Hjorth, Jens, Sollerman, J. O. & Watson, Darach Jafar, 2009, I: Nature. 461, 7268, s. 1254-1257 3 s.

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  27. Udgivet

    NGC 2770: a supernova Ib factory ?

    Thöne, C. C., Michalowski, M., Leloudas, G., Cox, N. L. J., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Sollerman, J., Hjorth, Jens & Vreeswijk, P. M., 2009, I: Astrophysical Journal. 698, 2, s. 1307-1320

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