Helge Stjernholm Kragh

Helge Stjernholm Kragh

Professor emeritus

  1. Udgivet

    The periodic system and the idea of a chemical element: From Mendeleev to superheavy elements

    Kragh, Helge Stjernholm, apr. 2020, I: Centaurus. 61, s. 329-344

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  2. Udgivet

    The many faces of the Bohr atom

    Kragh, Helge Stjernholm, 2015, One Hundred Years of the Bohr Atom: Proceedings from a Conference. Aaserud, F. & Kragh, H. (red.). Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Scences and Letters, s. 95-110

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  3. Udgivet

    The emergence of modern cosmology

    Kragh, Helge Stjernholm, 13 dec. 2023, 20 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    The cyclic universe: From ancient time to the modern era

    Kragh, Helge Stjernholm, okt. 2021, L’Uomo e il Cosmo Nella Storia Paradigmi, Miti, Simboli: Atti del Convegno Internazionale Palermo. Buttitta, I. & La Barbera, A. (red.). Palermo: Fondazione Ignazio Buttitta, s. 12-24

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  5. Udgivet

    The chemist Hans Christian Ørsted

    Kragh, Helge Stjernholm, mar. 2020, Hans Christian Ørsted – the Unity of Spirit and Nature . Pepke Pedersen, J. O., Pedersen, C. & Olesen, D. (red.). Copenhagen: Kvants Forlag, s. 83-90

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  6. Udgivet

    The Twilight of the Scientific Age, Martín López Corredoira

    Kragh, Helge Stjernholm, 1 nov. 2015, I: Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 52, s. 369-370

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  7. Udgivet

    The Transfermium Wars

    Kragh, Helge Stjernholm, 13 feb. 2018, FROM TRANSURANIC TO SUPERHEAVY ELEMENTS: A STORY OF DISPUTE AND CREATION. Springer, s. 59-75 (SpringerBriefs in the History of Science and Technology).

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  8. Udgivet

    The Renaissance of General Relativity in Context

    Kragh, Helge Stjernholm, aug. 2023, I: Centaurus. 65, 1, s. 203-206

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  9. Udgivet

    The Quantum Dissidents: Olival Freire Jr. (2015) The Quantum Dissidents: Rebuilding the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (1950-1990)

    Kragh, Helge Stjernholm, 29 mar. 2015, I: Science & Education. 24, 9-10, s. 1237-1239 2 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    The Nobel Prize system and the astronomical sciences

    Kragh, Helge Stjernholm, aug. 2017, I: Journal for the History of Astronomy. 48, s. 257-280

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