Irene Tamborra receives the 2019 Shakti P. Duggal Award
Associate Professor Irene Tamborra at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, receives the 2019 Shakti P. Duggal Award. Irene Tamborra’s professorship is funded by the Knud Højgaard foundation. The prize was presented to her during the opening ceremony of the 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC) in Madison (USA) on July 25, 2019.

The Shakti P. Duggal award was established in 1983 to recognize outstanding work by a young scientist in the field of Cosmic Ray Physics, including Astroparticle Physics. Irene Tamborra has already received quite a few recognitions for her work, but this award is special in the sense that it is recognized as the premier award in the field of Astroparticle Physics. The reason for awarding Irene Tamborra the Shakti P. Duggal Award of 2019 was, in the words of the awarding committee, “for pioneering work in advancing our understanding of neutrinos in cosmic accelerators.”
Irene Tamborra’s work is centered on the role of the neutrinos in extreme astrophysical sources. Among many examples, she discovered the LESA instability, the first hydrodynamical instability occurring in core-collapse supernovae completely driven by neutrinos. Irene has proposed innovative ideas concerning the exploration of astrophysical transients by using neutrinos as probes, and has demonstrated a highly original research approach connecting the theoretical modelling of the microphysics of astrophysical transients to observations.
Presently, Irene leads the AstroNu group at the Niels Bohr Institute. She joined the University of Copenhagen in 2016 and is part of the Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology group as well as DARK.
For more information on the prize, see