New research center: 2022.03.21 New research on how to quantify quantum effects on black holes Professor in Physics, Vitor Cardoso from the Niels Bohr Institute, NBIA, has received a DNRF Chair…
JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE: 2021.04.20 Danish participation in over a third of the new James Webb Space Telescope’s initial observations Cosmic Dawn Center – a collaboration between Technical University of Denmark and the Niels Bohr…
Grants: 2021.01.25 Two young researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute receive Villum Young Investigator grants Two young researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute, Morten Kjærgaard and Charlotte Mason, are amon…
Grant: 2021.01.25 Irene Tamborra receives grant to investigate the unknowns of neutron star mergers The title is a little unusual for a scientific project: “Neutron stars - rattling, shining and…
Appointment: 2021.01.12 New Deputy Head of Institute for Teaching at the Niels Bohr Institute from 1 February 2021 Deputy Head of Institute for Teaching (VILU) at the Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), University of…
Grant: 2021.01.05 ERC grant to develop phononic quantum sensors at the Niels Bohr Institute Albert Schliesser’s research group has been known for pioneering studies on measuring and…
Grant: 2020.11.09 Grant for developing long term weather predictions in Denmark Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), received a grant from the Independent Research…
Grants: 2020.09.21 Villum Experiment grants for two young researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute Two young researchers at the Niels Bohr Insitute are among the beneficiaries for the Villum…
ERC STARTING GRANTS: 2020.09.03 Young researcher talents get prestigeous career push The ERC starting grant means a lot to me, as it provides an important step forward in my academic…
Appointment: 2020.08.18 Brian Vinter new Vice Dean at Aarhus University Brian Vinter leaves a position as professor of eScience at the Niels Bohr Institute, to become the…
Mapping cosmic history: 2025.02.24 New insights into galaxy growth and dark matter from James Webb An international team of researchers, led by astronomers at the Cosmic Dawn Center in Copenhagen,…
LARGE GRANT FOR NEW ESS Lighthouse: 2025.01.21 New research lighthouse to focus on developing better food and medicine Researchers at the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University receive DKK 39.4 million to…