New Ice Core Storage facility at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. Official inauguration on 11 March
The researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, are world leading in climate research based on ice cores. The ice core research at the institute dates back slightly more than 50 years and takes its starting point in the research performed by one of the pioneers in climate research, Professor Willi Dansgaard, in 1967-69. Since then 12 ice cores, reaching a depth of more than 2 km, have been drilled worldwide, and no less than 5 have been drilled by the Danish group. The ice core research group are now opening a modern, collected ice core storage facility in Brøndby near Copenhagen.

The ice core collection at the University of Copenhagen is a national treasure, now finally located in one place in a modern facility in Brøndby near Copenhagen. The collection consists of the drill samples made by the Danish group over the years. The deep drill cores amount to a length of more than 15 km and additional smaller drill samples of more than 5 km length. The ice core files are invaluable to the international climate research society and subject to much activity, with almost daily sample-taking of the valuable material.
The ice cores hold the answers to many questions about the development of prvious climate change on Earth – and thus provide the researchers with a highly improved ability to make predictions of the future development of Earth’s climate – a very pressing agenda.
The ice core storage is inaugurated at an official reception Wednesday 11 March (canceled due to coronavirus). On this day, another pioneer in ice core research, Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen receives the Mohn prize for arctic research.
Curator Jørgen Peder Steffensen
Telephone: +45 35 32 05 57
Mobile: +45 20 35 15 58
Coordinator Susanne Munk Andersen
Telephone: +45 353-37257
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