Radoslaw Jan Wojtak

Radoslaw Jan Wojtak


  1. 2022
  2. Udgivet

    AI-driven spatio-temporal engine for finding gravitationally lensed type Ia supernovae

    Kodi Ramanah, D., Arendse, N. & Wojtak, Radoslaw Jan, 14 apr. 2022, I: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 512, 4, s. 5404-5417 14 s.

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  3. 2021
  4. Udgivet

    A new measurement of the Hubble constant using Type la supernovae calibrated with surface brightness fluctuations

    Khetan, N., Izzo, Luca, Branchesi, M., Wojtak, Radoslaw Jan, Cantiello, M., Murugeshan, C., Agnello, Adriano, Cappellaro, E., Della Valle, M., Gall, C., Hjorth, Jens, Benetti, S., Brocato, E., Burke, J., Hiramatsu, D., Howell, D. A., Tomasella, L. & Valenti, S., 12 mar. 2021, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 647, 20 s., A72.

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  5. Udgivet

    Simulation-based inference of dynamical galaxy cluster masses with 3D convolutional neural networks

    Ramanah, D. K., Wojtak, Radoslaw Jan & Arendse, N., 1 mar. 2021, I: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 501, 3, s. 4080-4091 12 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    The Young Supernova Experiment: Survey Goals, Overview, and Operations

    Jones, D. O., Foley, R. J., Narayan, G., Hjorth, J., Huber, M. E., Aleo, P. D., Alexander, K. D., Angus, C. R., Auchettl, K., Baldassare, V. F., Bruun, S. H., Chambers, K. C., Chatterjee, D., Coppejans, D. L., Coulter, D. A., DeMarchi, L., Dimitriadis, G., Drout, M. R., Engel, A., French, K. D. & 51 flere, Gagliano, A., Gall, C., Hung, T., Izzo, Luca, Jacobson-Galan, W. V., Kilpatrick, C. D., Korhonen, H., Margutti, R., Raimundo, Sandra, Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Rest, A., Rojas-Bravo, C., Siebert, M. R., Smartt, S. J., Smith, K. W., Terreran, G., Wang, Q., Wojtak, Radoslaw Jan, Agnello, Adriano, Ansari, Z., Arendse, N., Baldeschi, A., Blanchard, P. K., Brethauer, D., Bright, J. S., Brown, J. S., Boer, T. J. L. D., Dodd, S. A., Fairlamb, J. R., Grillo, C., Hajela, A., Hede, C., Kolborg, Anne Noer, Law-Smith, J. A. P., Lin, C. -., Magnier, E. A., Malanchev, K., Matthews, D., Mockler, B., Muthukrishna, D., Pan, Y. -., Pfister, H., Ramanah, D. K., Rest, S., Sarangi, Arka, Schroder, S. L., Stauffer, C., Stroh, M. C., Taggart, K. L., Tinyanont, S. & Wainscoat, R. J., feb. 2021, I: Astrophysical Journal. 908, 2, 24 s., 143.

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  7. 2020
  8. Udgivet

    Dynamical mass inference of galaxy clusters with neural flows

    Ramanah, D. K., Wojtak, Radoslaw Jan, Ansari, Z., Gall, C. & Hjorth, Jens, 21 sep. 2020, I: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 499, 2, s. 1985-1997 13 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Cosmic dissonance: are new physics or systematics behind a short sound horizon?

    Arendse, N., Wojtak, Radoslaw Jan, Agnello, Adriano, Chen, G. C., Fassnacht, C. D., Sluse, D., Hilbert, S., Millon, M., Bonvin, V., Wong, K. C., Courbin, F., Suyu, S. H., Birrer, S., Treu, T. & Koopmans, L. V. E., 7 jul. 2020, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 639, 13 s., A57.

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  10. Udgivet

    The Lowest of the Low: Discovery of SN 2019gsc and the Nature of Faint Iax Supernovae

    Srivastav, S., Smartt, S. J., Leloudas, G., Huber, M. E., Chambers, K., Malesani, D. B., Hjorth, Jens, Gillanders, J. H., Schultz, A., Sim, S. A., Auchettl, K., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Gall, C., McBrien, O. R., Rest, A., Smith, K. W., Wojtak, Radoslaw Jan & Young, D. R., 1 apr. 2020, I: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 892, 2, 8 s., L24.

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  11. Udgivet

    Pan-STARRS1 Transient Discovery Report for 2020-01-08

    Jones, D. O., French, K. D., Agnello, A., Angus, C. R., Ansari, Z., Arendse, N., Gall, C., Grillo, C., Bruun, S. H., Hede, C., Hjorth, J., Izzo, L., Korhonen, H., Raimundo, S., Ramanah, D. K., Sarangi, A., Wojtak, R., Chambers, K. C., Huber, M. E., Magnier, E. A. & 31 flere, Boer, T. J. L. D., Fairlamb, J. R., Lin, C. C., Wainscoat, R. J., Lowe, T., Willman, M., Bulger, J., Schultz, A. S. B., Engel, A., Gagliano, A., Narayan, G., Soraisam, M., Wang, Q., Rest, A., Smartt, S. J., Smith, K. W., Alexander, K., Baldeschi, A., Blanchard, P., Coppejans, D., DeMarchi, L., Hajela, A., Jacobson-Galan, W., Margutti, R., Matthews, D., Stauffer, C., Stroh, M., Terreran, G., Drout, M., Auchettl, K. & Young Supernova Experiment (YSE), Y. S. E. (., 1 jan. 2020, I: Transient Name Server Discovery Report, No. 2020-76. 76

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  12. Udgivet

    YSE/Pan-STARRS1 Transient Discovery Report for 2020-01-31

    Jones, D. O., French, K. D., Agnello, A., Angus, C. R., Ansari, Z., Arendse, N., Gall, C., Grillo, C., Bruun, S. H., Hede, C., Hjorth, J., Izzo, L., Korhonen, H., Raimundo, S., Ramanah, D. K., Sarangi, A., Wojtak, R., Chambers, K. C., Huber, M. E., Magnier, E. A. & 31 flere, Boer, T. J. L. D., Fairlamb, J. R., Lin, C. C., Wainscoat, R. J., Lowe, T., Willman, M., Bulger, J., Schultz, A. S. B., Engel, A., Gagliano, A., Narayan, G., Soraisam, M., Wang, Q., Rest, A., Smartt, S. J., Smith, K. W., Alexander, K., Baldeschi, A., Blanchard, P., Coppejans, D., DeMarchi, L., Hajela, A., Jacobson-Galan, W., Margutti, R., Matthews, D., Stauffer, C., Stroh, M., Terreran, G., Drout, M., Auchettl, K. & Young Supernova Experiment (YSE), Y. S. E. (., 1 jan. 2020, I: Transient Name Server Discovery Report, No. 2020-76. 341

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  13. 2019
  14. Udgivet

    Low-redshift measurement of the sound horizon through gravitational time-delays

    Arendse, N., Agnello, Adriano & Wojtak, Radoslaw Jan, 9 dec. 2019, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 632, 6 s., A91.

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ID: 40108628