Astrofysik og Planetforskning

  1. Udgivet

    Characterization of Low-mass K2 Planet Hosts Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy

    Martinez, R. R., Ballard, S., Mayo, A., Vanderburg, A., Montet, B. T. & Christiansen, J. L., sep. 2019, I: Astronomical Journal. 158, 4, 14 s.

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  2. Udgivet

    Characterizing Lenses and Lensed Stars of High-magnification Single-lens Gravitational Microlensing Events with Lenses Passing over Source Stars

    Choi, J. -., Park, S. -., Han, C., Gould, A., Sumi, T., Hardis, S., Mathiasen, M., Udalski, A., Beaulieu, J., Jørgensen, Uffe Gråe, Harpsøe, K. B. W. & Skottfelt, J. F., 20 maj 2012, I: Astrophysical Journal. 751, 1, s. 41

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  3. Udgivet

    Characterizing Low-mass Binaries from Observation of Long-timescale Caustic-crossing Gravitational Microlensing Events

    Shin, I., Han, C., Choi, J., Udalski, A., Udalski, A., Sumi, T., Bozza, V., Dominik, M., Fouqué, P., Jørgensen, Uffe Gråe, Harpsøe, K. B. W. & Skottfelt, J. F., 20 aug. 2012, I: Astrophysical Journal. 755, 2, s. 91

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  4. Udgivet

    Characterizing Magnetic Field Morphologies in Three Serpens Protostellar Cores with ALMA

    Le Gouellec, V. J. M., Hull, C. L. H., Maury, A. J., Girart, J. M., Tychoniec, L., Kristensen, L. E., Li, Z., Louvet, F., Cortes, P. C. & Rao, R., 10 nov. 2019, I: Astrophysical Journal. 885, 2, 24 s., 106.

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  5. Udgivet

    Characterizing the Variable Dust Permeability of Planet-induced Gaps

    Weber, P., Benítez Llambay, Pablo, Gressel, O., Krapp, L. J. & Pessah, Martin Elias, 20 feb. 2018, I: Astrophysical Journal. 854, 2, 14 s., 153.

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  6. Udgivet

    Characterizing the mean-field dynamo in turbulent accretion disks

    Gressel, O. & Pessah, Martin Elias, 28 aug. 2015, I: Astrophysical Journal. 810, 1

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  7. Udgivet

    ChemCam activities and discoveries during the nominal mission of the Mars Science Laboratory in Gale crater, Mars

    Maurice, S., Clegg, S. M., Wiens, R. C., Gasnault, O., Rapin, W., Cousin, A., Mangold, N., Nachon, M., Anderson, R. B., Lanza, N. L., Fabre, C., Lasue, J., Meslin, P. -Y., Dyar, M. D., Francis, R., Frydenvang, J., Gondet, B., Ehlmann, B. L., Herkenhoff, K. E., Johnson, J. R. & 14 flere, Langevin, Y., Madsen, Morten Bo, Melikechi, N., Lacour, J. -., Le Mouelic, S., Lewin, E., Ollila, A. M., Schroeder, S., Sirven, J. -., Tokar, R. L., Toplis, M. J., d'Uston, C., Vaniman, D. T. & Vasavada, A. R., 6 feb. 2016, I: Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 31, 4, s. 863-889

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  8. Udgivet

    ChemCam passive reflectance spectroscopy of surface materials at the Curiosity landing site, Mars

    Johnson, J. R., Bell, J. F. ,. I., Bender, S., Blaney, D., Cloutis, E., DeFlores, L., Ehlmann, B., Gasnault, O., Gondet, B., Kinch, Kjartan Münster, Lemmon, M., Le Mouelic, S., Maurice, S., Rice, M. & Wiens, R. C., 15 mar. 2015, I: Icarus. 249, s. 74-92

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  9. Udgivet

    Chemical Abundances Of Carbon-enhanced Metal-poor Stars With X-shooter

    Kennedy, C. R., Beers, T. C., Nordström, Birgitta & Hansen, C., 6 jan. 2012, I: American Astronomical Society. Bulletin. 219, s. 313.06

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  10. Udgivet

    Chemical Composition of a Kinematically Identified Stellar Group in the Milky Way

    Stonkuté, E., Tautvaisiené, G., Zenoviené, R. & Nordström, Birgitta, 1 jan. 2012, I: Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. 2012 , Part 2, s. 223-224

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  11. Udgivet

    Chemical Tagging of Kinematic Stellar Groups in the Milky Way Disk

    Nordström, Birgitta, Stonkuté, E., Tautavisené, G. & Zenoviené, R., 1 aug. 2012, I: Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Conference Proceedings. 458, s. 235-

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  12. Udgivet

    Chemical analysis of ancient relicts in the Milky Way disk

    Stonkuté, E., Zenoviené, R., Tautvaisiené, G. & Nordström, Birgitta, 7 feb. 2012, I: E P J Web of Conferences. 19, s. 05007

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  13. Udgivet

    Chemical and kinematic structure of extremely high-velocity molecular jets in the Serpens Main star-forming region

    Tychoniec, L., Hull, C. L. H., Kristensen, L. E., Tobin, J. J., Le Gouellec, V. J. M. & van Dishoeck, E. F., 10 dec. 2019, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 632, 23 s., A101.

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  14. Udgivet

    Chemical modelling of water deuteration in IRAS16293-2422

    Wakelam, V., Vastel, C., Aikawa, Y., Coutens, A., Bottinelli, S. & Caux, E., 2014, I: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 445, 3, s. 2854-2871 18 s.

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  15. Udgivet

    Chemical solver to compute molecule and grain abundances and non-ideal MHD resistivities in prestellar core-collapse calculations ?

    Marchand, P., Masson, J., Chabrier, G., Hennebelle, P., Commercon, B. & Vaytet, N., aug. 2016, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 592, A18.

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  16. Udgivet

    Chemical surface inhomogeneities in late B-type stars with Hg and Mn peculiarity: I. Spot evolution in HD 11753 on short and long time scales

    Korhonen, H. H., González, J. F., Briquet, M., Soriano, M. F., Hubrig, S., Savanov, I., Hackman, T., IIyin, I. V., Eulaers, E. & Pessemier, W., 1 maj 2013, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 553, 16 s., A27.

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  17. Udgivet

    Chemical tracers of episodic accretion in low-mass protostars

    Visser, R., Bergin, E. A. & Jørgensen, Jes Kristian, 2015, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 577, 12 s., A102.

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  18. Udgivet

    Chemistry and texture of the rocks at Rocknest, Gale Crater: Evidence for sedimentary origin and diagenetic alteration

    Blaney, D. L., Wiens, R. C., Maurice, S., Clegg, S. M., Anderson, R. B., Kah, L. C., Le Mouelic, S., Ollila, A., Bridges, N., Tokar, R., Berger, G., Bridges, J. C., Cousin, A., Clark, B., Dyar, M. D., King, P. L., Lanza, N., Mangold, N., Meslin, P. -Y., Newsom, H. & 12 flere, Schroeder, S., Rowland, S., Johnson, J., Edgar, L., Gasnault, O., Forni, O., Schmidt, M., Goetz, W., Stack, K., Sumner, D., Fisk, M. & Madsen, Morten Bo, 1 sep. 2014, I: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 119, 9, s. 2109-2131

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  19. Udgivet

    Chemistry of a newly detected circumbinary disk in Ophiuchus

    de la Villarmois, E. A., Kristensen, L. E., Jørgensen, Jes Kristian, Bergin, E. A., Brinch, C., Frimann, S., Harsono, D., Sakai, N. & Yamamoto, S., 2018, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 614, 18 s., A26.

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  20. Udgivet

    Chronology of Episodic Accretion in Protostars-An ALMA Survey of the CO and H2O Snowlines

    Hsieh, T., Murillo, N. M., Belloche, A., Hirano, N., Walsh, C., van Dishoeck, E. F., Jørgensen, Jes Kristian & Lai, S., 20 okt. 2019, I: Astrophysical Journal. 884, 2, 149.

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  21. Udgivet

    Classifying the embedded young stellar population in Perseus and Taurus and the LOMASS database

    Carney, M. T., Ylldlz, U. A., Mottram, J. C., van Dishoeck, E. F., Ramchandani, J. & Jørgensen, Jes Kristian, 2016, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 586, 33 s., A44.

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  22. Udgivet

    Close Encounters of Wide Binaries Induced by the Galactic Tide: Implications for Stellar Mergers and Gravitational-wave Sources

    Stegmann, J., Vigna Gomez, Alejandro, Rantala, A., Wagg, T., Zwick, Lorenz, Renzo, M., Van Son, L. A. C., De Mink, S. E. & White, S. D. M., 2 sep. 2024, I: Astrophysics Journal Letters. 972, 2, 15 s., L19.

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  23. Udgivet

    Clouds form on the hot Saturn JWST ERO target WASP-96b

    Samra, D., Helling, C., Chubb, K. L., Min, M., Carone, L. & Schneider, A. D., 25 jan. 2023, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 669, 17 s., A142.

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  24. Udgivet

    CoCCoA: Complex Chemistry in hot Cores with ALMA: Selected oxygen-bearing species

    Chen, Y., Van Gelder, M. L., Nazari, P., Brogan, C. L., Van Dishoeck, E. F., Linnartz, H., Jørgensen, J. K., Hunter, T. R., Wilkins, O. H., Blake, G. A., Caselli, P., Chuang, K., Codella, C., Cooke, I., Drozdovskaya, M. N., Garrod, R. T., Ioppolo, S., Jin, M., Kulterer, B. M., Ligterink, N. F. W. & 5 flere, Lipnicky, A., Loomis, R., Rachid, M. G., Spezzano, S. & Mcguire, B. A., 17 okt. 2023, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 678, 33 s., A137.

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  25. Udgivet

    Collisionless Shocks -- Magnetic Field Generation and Particle Acceleration: Proceedings from 1st NBSI on "Beams and Jets in Gamma Ray Bursts", held at NBIfAFG/NORDITA, Copenhagen, Denmark, August, 2002

    Frederiksen, J. T., Hededal, C. B., Haugbølle, Troels & Nordlund, Åke, 1 aug. 2002, Proceedings from 1st NBSI. (Beams and Jets in Gamma Ray Bursts, Bind 115).

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