Dark Matter Cores in the Fornax and Sculptor Dwarf Galaxies: Joining Halo Assembly and Detailed Star Formation Histories

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  • Nicola C. Amorisco
  • Jesus Zavala Franco
  • Thomas J. L. de Boer
We combine the detailed Star Formation Histories of the Fornax and Sculptor dwarf Spheroidals with the mass assembly history of their dark matter halo progenitors to estimate if the energy deposited by Supernova type II (SNeII) is sufficient to create a substantial dark matter core. Assuming the efficiency of energy injection of the SNeII into dark matter particles is \epsilon=0.05, we find that a single early episode, z
TidsskriftAstrophysics Journal Letters
Udgave nummer2
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 10 feb. 2014

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