Galaxy pairs as a probe for mergers at z ~ 2

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

In this work I investigate the redshift evolution of pair fraction of a sample of 196 massive galaxies from z = 0 to 3, selected from the COSMOS field. We find that on average a massive galaxy undergoes ~ 1.1 \pm 0.5 major merger since z = 3. I will review the current limitations of using the pair fraction as a probe for quantifying the impact of mergers on galaxy evolution. This work is based on the paper Man et al. (2011).
Titel"Galaxy Mergers in an Evolving Universe"
Antal sider4
UdgivelsesstedHualien, Taiwan
Publikationsdato18 dec. 2011
StatusUdgivet - 18 dec. 2011

ID: 37631661