Statistical issues in galaxy cluster cosmology

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

  • Adam Mantz
  • Steven W. Allen
  • David Angelo Rapetti Serra
The number and growth of massive galaxy clusters is a sensitive probe of cosmological structure formation and dark energy. Surveys at various wavelengths can detect clusters to high redshift, but the fact that cluster mass is not directly observable complicates matters, requiring us to simultaneously constrain scaling relations of observable signals with mass. The problem can be cast in the form of a regression, in which the data set is truncated, the (cosmology-dependent) underlying population must be modeled, and strong, complex correlations between measurements often exist.
TitelInformation Systems Development : Reflections, Challenges and New Directions
RedaktørerR. Pooley, J. Coady, . Schneider, H. Linger, C. Barry, M. Lang
Antal sider3
UdgivelsesstedNew York
ForlagSpringer Science+Business Media
Publikationsdato1 dec. 2013
ISBN (Trykt)9781461449508
StatusUdgivet - 1 dec. 2013
BegivenhedInternational Conference on Information Systems Development: Reflections, Challenges and New Directions - Edinburgh, Storbritannien
Varighed: 24 aug. 201126 aug. 2011
Konferencens nummer: 20


KonferenceInternational Conference on Information Systems Development

ID: 122291757