ALMA twenty-six arcmin(2) survey of GOODS-S at one millimeter (ASAGAO): Millimeter properties of stellar mass selected galaxies

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  • Yuki Yamaguchi
  • Kotaro Kohno
  • Bunyo Hatsukade
  • Tao Wang
  • Yuki Yoshimura
  • Yiping Ao
  • James S. Dunlop
  • Eiichi Egami
  • Daniel Espada
  • Seiji Fujimoto
  • Natsuki H. Hayatsu
  • Rob J. Ivison
  • Tadayuki Kodama
  • Haruka Kusakabe
  • Tohru Nagao
  • Masami Ouchi
  • Wiphu Rujopakarn
  • Ken-ichi Tadaki
  • Yoichi Tamura
  • Yoshihiro Ueda
  • Og 2 flere
  • Hideki Umehata
  • Wei-Hao Wang

We make use of the ALMA twenty-Six Arcmin(2) survey of GOODS-S At One-millimeter (ASAGAO), deep 1.2 mm continuum observations of a 26-arcmin(2) region in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-South (GOODS-S) obtained with Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA), to probe dust-enshrouded star formation in K-band selected (i.e., stellar mass selected) galaxies, which are drawn from the FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey (ZFOURGE) catalog. Based on the ASAGAO combined map, which was created by combining ASAGAO and ALMA archival data in the GOODS-South field, we find that 24 ZFOURGE sources have 1.2 mm counterparts with a signal-to-noise ratio >4.5 (1 sigma similar or equal to 30-70 mu Jy beam(-1) at 1.2 mm). Their median redshift is estimated to be Z(median) = 2.38 +/- 0.14. They generally follow the tight relationship of the stellar mass versus star formation rate (i.e., the main sequence of star-forming galaxies). ALMA-detected ZFOURGE sources exhibit systematically larger infrared (IR) excess (IRX L-IR/L-UV) compared to ZFOURGE galaxies without ALMA detections even though they have similar redshifts, stellar masses, and star formation rates. This implies the consensus stellar-mass versus IRX relation, which is known to be tight among rest-frame-ultraviolet-selected galaxies, cannot fully predict the ALMA detectability of stellar-mass-selected galaxies. We find that ALMA-detected ZFOURGE sources are the main contributors to the cosmic IR star formation rate density at z = 2-3.

TidsskriftPublications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
Udgave nummer4
Antal sider23
StatusUdgivet - 8 aug. 2020

ID: 253649401