Christine Schøtt Hvidberg

Christine Schøtt Hvidberg


Christine Schøtt Hvidberg CV


1990: M.Sc. in Physics (major) and Mathematics, Univ. Copenhagen. 1993: Ph.D. Geophysics, Univ. of Copenhagen.


Professional employments

2021-present: Professor of Climate Physics, NBI, Univ. of Copenhagen. 2005-2021: Associate Professor of Planetary Physics at NBI, Univ. of Copenhagen. 2003-2005:     Carlsberg Research Associate Professor at the Centre for Planetary Science, NBI, Univ. of Copenhagen. 2002: Visiting Researcher at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, MD, USA. (6 months). 2001-2002:   Research Associate Professor at NBI, Univ. of Copenhagen. 1998-2001: Curie PostDoc, NBI, University of Copenhagen. 1994-1997: PostDoc at Dept. of Geophysics, Univ. of Copenhagen. 1990,1992:      Visiting Researcher at University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA (10 months). 1991-1993: Ph.D. student at the Dept. of Glaciology, Univ. of Copenhagen. 1986-1990: Teaching Assistant, Institute of Mathematics, University of Copenhagen. Maternity leaves (1994, 1997, 2003, 2007).



2002: Carlsberg Foundation research fellowship (associate professor level). 2002: Inge Lehmanns Foundation travel award (100,000 DKK). 1998: Curie Postdoc award by the Faculty of Science, Univ. of Copenhagen. 1992: Knud Højgaards Foundation travel award (50,000 DKK). 1990: Research stipend by the Danish Council for Independent Research (FNU). 1990: Research Academy grant to visit Univ. of Washington, WA, USA (2 months).


Research interests

Physics of ice and climate. Non-linear dynamical behaviour and flow of ice in the climate system. Planetary climate and ices. I develop models based on theoretical fluid mechanics to infer knowledge of ice flow and its role for stability and evolution of climate and ice sheets. I combine climate and ice sheet models based on physics, mathematics, geophysics, fluid mechanics, statistics, numerical and field methods with ice core data, satellite and in-situ observations to detect climate changes and to reveal climate and ice sheet evolution from paleo-climatic archives in ice cores. Strong engagement in world-leading ice core drilling projects and in Mars polar science and exploration.


Leading the ice modelling group, NBI, KU, (2007-present). Initiated the Annual Greenland ice sheet seminar, a national research network assembly, >50 participants (2006-present). (


Research projects: Novo Nordisk Foundation Challenge project: PRECISE - PREdicting Changes in Ice Sheets on Earth (2023-2029) (PI). Danish Council for Independent Research: Nonlinear Viscous flow (2022-2025) (PI). European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative ESA-CCI+ Greenland Ice Sheet (Co-PI from NBI) (2012-present). Chair and co-chair of the ice flow modelling consortia for the EastGRIP and NEEM ice core projects (2007-present). Recent projects: Villum Foundation Experiment grant: Exploration rovers to investigate ice sheet changes in Greenland (2019-2021) (PI). Dancea project Surface movement by GPS in interior Greenland (2015-2020) (PI). Chief scientist at the EastGRIP field site (2018) (


University management:

Head of studies for physics, Niels Bohr Institute, Univ. of Copenhagen, ~750 MSc and BSc students (2016-2023). Academic coordinator for geophysics, NBI, Univ. Copenhagen (2017-2020, 2003). Committee for revision of the geoscience education at Univ. of Copenhagen, member (2020). Leading a committee for revision of the physics education at University of Copenhagen (2019). Member of the Council for Physics, Chemistry and NanoScience, University of Copenhagen, deputy chair (2013-2016). Member of the Council for Graduate studies, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen (2011-2013). Member of the Teaching Committee, NBI, Univ. Copenhagen (2010-2017). Member of the Ph.d.-committee for Physics, Faculty of Science, KU (2005-2009, 1996-2001).


Teaching and supervision

Course responsible and lecturer of BSc, MSc and PhD courses in climate, planetary science and glaciology at NBI, KU since 1996. Organized 9 PhD schools/workshops (since 2007). Currently: Earth and Climate Physics (MSc course), Ice and Climate (BSc course). Censor, Civil Engineering (2014-present). Supervision of students: 12 Phd (7 as main supervisor), 21 MSc, 25 BSc.


Member of panels and boards:

e.g. Board member (substitute) of the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Research (NORDITA) (2022-present). Board member of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) (2017-present). Head of the division for planetary ice, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (2015-present). Science Organizing Committee of >10 major international conferences (2006-present). Scientific Editor of Journal of Glaciology (2001-2005) and Annals of Glaciology (2003, 2017, 2024). Evaluation board of 10 international PhD defences (6 as the opponent) and 6 international university faculty positions (2011-present). NASA’s Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) ice and climate evolution science advisory group (2019). Science committee of EC ESA EO for polar science workshop to develop a joint EC and ESA research strategy (2020). EU Polar Net working group member to develop an integrated EU polar research programme (2019). Graduate School Board member, Stability of the Stability and Variation of Arctic Land Ice (SVALI) Nordic Centre of Excellence, PI J.O. Hagen, Univ. of Oslo (2011-2015). DFF strategic committee for research in learning and quality in teaching (forskning i læring og uddannelseskvalitet) (2018).


Outreach and dissemination:

Organized the Kopernikursus physics summer school for high school students (1988 onwards for 5-10 times, in 2005-2006 responsible). Many (>40) scientific oral presentations at major international conferences and events, including invited presentations at international institutes and PhD schools.


ID: 11231