From Bloch to random lasing in ZnO self-assembled nanostructures

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  • Pedro David Garcia-Fernandez
  • López Cefe
In this paper, we present measurements on UV lasing in ZnO ordered and disordered nanostructures. Bloch lasing is achieved in the ordered structures by exploiting very low group-velocity Bloch modes in ZnO photonic crystals. In the second case, random lasing is observed in ZnO photonic glasses. We study the lasing threshold in both cases and its dependence on the structural parameters. Finally, we present the transition from Bloch to random lasing by deliberately doping a ZnO inverse photonic crystal with a controlled amount of lattice vacancies effectively converting it into a translationally correlated photonic glass.
TidsskriftJournal of Materials Chemistry
Udgave nummer44
Sider (fra-til)7353-7362
StatusUdgivet - 19 okt. 2013

ID: 94628028