Vitor Cardoso

Vitor Cardoso


  1. 2023
  2. Udgivet

    Eternal binaries

    Redondo Yuste, Jaime, Cardoso, Vitor, Macedo, C. F. B. & Van De Meent, Maarten, 12 jun. 2023, I: Physical Review D. 107, 22 s., 124025.

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  3. Udgivet

    Black holes surrounded by generic dark matter profiles: Appearance and gravitational-wave emission

    Figueiredo, E., Maselli, A. & Cardoso, Vitor, 15 maj 2023, I: Physical Review D. 107, 10, 9 s., 104033.

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  4. Udgivet

    Key Science Goals for the Next-Generation Event Horizon Telescope

    Johnson, M. D., Akiyama, K., Blackburn, L., Bouman, K. L., Broderick, A. E., Cardoso, V., Fender, R. P., Fromm, C. M., Galison, P., Gómez, J. L., Haggard, D., Lister, M. L., Lobanov, A. P., Markoff, S., Narayan, R., Natarajan, P., Nichols, T., Pesce, D. W., Younsi, Z., Chael, A. & 25 flere, Chatterjee, K., Chaves, R., Doboszewski, J., Dodson, R., Doeleman, S. S., Elder, J., Fitzpatrick, G., Haworth, K., Houston, J., Issaoun, S., Kovalev, Y. Y., Levis, A., Lico, R., Marcoci, A., Martens, N. C. M., Nagar, N. M., Oppenheimer, A., Palumbo, D. C. M., Ricarte, A., Rioja, M. J., Roelofs, F., Thresher, A. C., Tiede, P., Weintroub, J. & Wielgus, M., 24 apr. 2023, I: Galaxies. 11, 3, 38 s., 61.

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  5. Udgivet

    Where intermediate-mass black holes could hide in the Galactic Centre: A full parameter study with the S2 orbit

    Straub, O., Bauböck, M., Abuter, R., Aimar, N., Seoane, P. A., Amorim, A., Berger, J. P., Bonnet, H., Bourdarot, G., Brandner, W., Cardoso, V., Clénet, Y., Dallilar, Y., Davies, R., De Zeeuw, P. T., Dexter, J., Drescher, A., Eisenhauer, F., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Foschi, A. & 41 flere, Garcia, P., Gao, F., Gendron, E., Genzel, R., Gillessen, S., Habibi, M., Haubois, X., Heißel, G., Henning, T., Hippler, S., Horrobin, M., Jochum, L., Jocou, L., Kaufer, A., Kervella, P., Lacour, S., Lapeyrère, V., Le Bouquin, J., Léna, P., Lutz, D., Ott, T., Paumard, T., Perraut, K., Perrin, G., Pfuhl, O., Rabien, S., Ribeiro, D. C., Bordoni, M. S., Scheithauer, S., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T., Stadler, J., Straubmeier, C., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Vincent, F., Von Fellenberg, S., Widmann, F., Wieprecht, E., Wiezorrek, E. & Woillez, J., 31 mar. 2023, I: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 677, 11 s., A63.

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  6. Udgivet

    Photon Ring Astrometry for Superradiant Clouds

    Chen, Yifan, Xue, X., Brito, R. & Cardoso, Vitor, 17 mar. 2023, I: Physical Review Letters. 130, 11, 8 s., 111401.

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  7. Udgivet

    Curvature and dynamical spacetimes: can we peer into the quantum regime?

    Cardoso, Vitor, Hilditch, D., Marouda, K., Natario, J. & Sperhake, U., 16 mar. 2023, I: Classical and Quantum Gravity. 40, 6, 14 s., 065008.

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  8. Udgivet

    Pseudospectrum of horizonless compact objects: A bootstrap instability mechanism

    Boyanov, V., Destounis, K., Panosso Macedo, Rodrigo, Cardoso, Vitor & Jaramillo, J. L., 15 mar. 2023, I: Physical Review D. 107, 6, 19 s., 064012.

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  9. Udgivet

    Nonlinear Effects in Black Hole Ringdown

    Cheung, M. H., Baibhav, V., Berti, E., Cardoso, Vitor, Carullo, Gregorio, Cotesta, R., Del Pozzo, W., Duque, F., Helfer, T., Shukla, E. & Wong, K. W. K., 22 feb. 2023, I: Physical Review Letters. 130, 8, 6 s., 081401.

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  10. Udgivet

    Instability of ultracompact horizonless spacetimes

    Zhong, Z., Cardoso, Vitor & Maggio, E., 16 feb. 2023, I: Physical Review D. 107, 4, 12 s., 044035.

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  11. Udgivet

    Shielding a charged black hole

    Feng, J. C., Chakraborty, S. & Cardoso, Vitor, 15 feb. 2023, I: Physical Review D. 107, 4, 12 s., 044050.

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