Stringent axion constraints with Event Horizon Telescope polarimetric measurements of M87

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  • Chen, Yifan
  • Yuxin Liu
  • Ru-Sen Lu
  • Yosuke Mizuno
  • Jing Shu
  • Xiao Xue
  • Qiang Yuan
  • Yue Zhao

The hitherto unprecedented angular resolution of the Event Horizon Telescope has created exciting opportunities in the search for new physics. Recently, the linear polarization of radiation emitted near the supermassive black hole M87* was measured on four separate days, precisely enabling tests of the existence of a dense axion cloud produced by a spinning black hole. The presence of an axion cloud leads to a frequency-independent oscillation in the electric vector position angle of this linear polarization. For the nearly face-on M87*, this oscillation in the electric vector position angle appears as a propagating wave along the photon ring. In this paper, we leverage the azimuthal distribution of electric vector position angle measured by the Event Horizon Telescope to study the axion-photon coupling. We propose a novel differential analysis procedure to reduce the astrophysical background, and derive stringent constraints on the existence of axions in the previously unexplored mass window of similar to(10(-21)-10(-20)) eV.

TidsskriftNature Astronomy
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)592-598
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 17 mar. 2022
Eksternt udgivetJa


ID: 337976315