Asymptotically safe inflation from quadratic gravity

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Asymptotically Safe theories of gravity have recently received much attention. In this work we discuss a class of inflationary models derived from quantum-gravity modification of quadratic gravity according to the induced scaling around the non-Gaussian fixed point at very high energies. It is argued that the presence of a three dimensional ultraviolet critical surface generates operators of non-integer power of the type R2-θ/2 in the effective Lagrangian, where θ>0 is a critical exponent. The requirement of a successful inflationary model in agreement with the recent Planck 2015 data puts important constraints on the strength of this new type of couplings.

TidsskriftPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Sider (fra-til)638-642
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 12 nov. 2015

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2015 The Authors.

ID: 388514319