Tidal effects for spinning particles

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  • Rafael Aoude
  • Kays Haddad
  • Andreas Helset

Expanding on the recent derivation of tidal actions for scalar particles, we present here the action for a tidally deformed spin-1/2 particle. Focusing on operators containing two powers of the Weyl tensor, we combine the Hilbert series with an on-shell amplitude basis to construct the tidal action. With the tidal action in hand, we compute the leading-post-Minkowskian tidal contributions to the spin-1/2-spin-1/2 amplitude, arising at O(G(2)). Our amplitudes provide evidence that the observed long range spin-universality for the scattering of two point particles extends to the scattering of tidally deformed objects. From the scattering amplitude we find the conservative two-body Hamiltonian, linear and angular impulses, eikonal phase, spin kick, and aligned-spin scattering angle. We present analogous results in the electromagnetic case along the way.

TidsskriftJournal of High Energy Physics
Udgave nummer3
Antal sider37
StatusUdgivet - 9 mar. 2021

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ID: 259055074