The Niels Bohr Institute is greatly committed to its responsibility in finding solutions to the societal challenges we face.
At the Niels Bohr Institute, we are pleased and proud that sustainability is part of the overall strategy for the University of Copenhagen. Based on a high international level in both teaching and research, the Niels Bohr Institute has a shared responsibility to contribute to solutions to the challenges of the future.
We do this by educating the young people of the future, who will, I turn, help to create a more sustainable everyday life. Not only in Denmark, but also all over the world. In addition, our researchers and students are continuously contributing to the important work of understanding climate change, as well as developing technologies that must be a part of the solutions for the future.
Our education and research contribute in the following ways:
- We are developing the quantum computer of the future. It will lead to a much lower consumption of energy for computing in the future.
- We drill ice cores out of the earth’s ice caps, which teach us about the climate in the past. This helps us to improve our predictions for the future of the earth’s climate.
- We are researching how to store CO2in the subsoil.
- We develop polymers that reduce ammonia pollution in many workplaces.
- We collaborate with businesses on satellite observation of fields, to aid in the reduction in the use of fertilizers.