Niels Bohr Lecture by Anne L’Huillier

L'Huillier was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2023, along with Pierre Agostini and Ferenc Krausz, for their work on "experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter."
Anne L'Huillier, professor of atomic physics at Lund University in Sweden, receives 1/3 of this year’s Nobel prize for her groundbreaking work on attosecond physics, which has had a profound impact on our understanding of the microscopic world.
Prof. L'Huilliers 1987 discovery of high-harmonic generation in infrared laser light transmitted through a noble gas has laid the ground for a new era of atomic spectroscopy, providing a wealth of new insights into the rapid dynamics of electrons inside atoms and molecules.
Her research has also led to numerous practical applications, such as new types of lasers and medical diagnostic tools.
In this Niels Bohr Lecture, Prof. L’Huillier will give her own personal account of the discovery and the exciting physics being uncovered within the realm of attosecond spectroscopy.
Coffee, tea and cake will be served outside Aud. 1 at 15:45