Activity-induced radial velocity variation of M dwarf stars

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  • Jan Marie Andersen
  • Heidi Helena Korhonen

Stellar magnetic activity manifests itself in a variety of ways including starspots-cool, dark regions on the stellar surface. Starspots can cause variations ('jitter') in spectral line-profiles which can mimic the radial velocity (RV) variations caused by an orbiting planet, or create RV noise that can drown out a planetary signature. Cool, low-mass M dwarf stars can be highly active, which can make detection of potentially habitable planets around these stars difficult. We investigate radial velocity variations caused by different activity (spot) patterns on M dwarf stars in order to determine the limits of detectability for small planets orbiting active M dwarfs. We report on our progress toward the aim of answering the following questions: What types of spot patterns are realistic for M dwarf stars? What effect will spots have on M dwarf RV measurements? Can jitter from M dwarf spots mimic planetary signals? What is the ideal observing wavelength to reduce M dwarf jitter?

TidsskriftProceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Udgave nummerS293
Sider (fra-til)197-200
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - aug. 2012
Begivenhed293th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union: formation, detection, and characterization of extrasolar habitable planets - Beijing, Kina
Varighed: 27 aug. 201231 aug. 2012
Konferencens nummer: 293


Konference293th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union

ID: 183471442