Doubling the mobility of InAs/InGaAs selective area grown nanowires

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  • Daria Beznasiuk
  • Sara Marti-Sanchez
  • Jung-Hyun Kang
  • Rawa Tanta
  • Tomas Stankevic
  • Mohana Rajpalke
  • Anna Wulff Christensen
  • Maria Chiara Spadaro
  • Roberto Bergamaschini
  • Nikhil N. Maka
  • Christian Emanuel N. Petersen
  • Carrad, Damon James
  • Thomas Sand Jespersen
  • Jordi Arbiol
  • Jeppesen, Peter Krogstrup

Selective area growth (SAG) of nanowires and networks promise a route toward scalable electronics, photonics, and quantum devices based on III-V semiconductor materials. The potential of high-mobility SAG nanowires however is not yet fully realised, since interfacial roughness, misfit dislocations at the nanowire/substrate interface and nonuniform composition due to material intermixing all scatter electrons. Here, we explore SAG of highly lattice-mismatched InAs nanowires on insulating GaAs(001) substrates and address these key challenges. Atomically smooth nanowire/substrate interfaces are achieved with the use of atomic hydrogen (a-H) as an alternative to conventional thermal annealing for the native oxide removal. The problem of high lattice mismatch is addressed through an InxGa1-xAs buffer layer introduced between the InAs transport channel and the GaAs substrate. The Ga-In material intermixing observed in both the buffer layer and the channel is inhibited via careful tuning of the growth temperature. Performing scanning transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction analysis along with low-temperature transport measurements we show that optimized In-rich buffer layers promote high-quality InAs transport channels with the field-effect electron mobility over 10 000 cm(2) V-1 s(-1). This is twice as high as for nonoptimized samples and among the highest reported for InAs selective area grown nanostructures.

TidsskriftPhysical Review Materials
Udgave nummer3
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 16 mar. 2022


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